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Add Cybersecurity to Your Back-to-School List with Bitdefender


August 09, 2023

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Add Cybersecurity to Your Back-to-School List with Bitdefender

With the beginning of the new school year in sight, there’s no better time for students, parents and teachers to brush up on the best cybersecurity practices to keep everyone safe both online and in the classroom.

As iPads replace pen and paper and back-to-school shopping moves online, parents, kids and teachers all must work hard to stay secure on the internet while limiting the chances of data and account compromise.

Now, before the bell rings in the new school year, let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of the most crucial digital practices that will help keep everybody safe from cybercriminals and other digital threats.

  • Make sure that your smart devices are password-protected and that you never disclose the password to other students, friends or people you meet online. Store your devices in a safe place and never leave them unattended in public.
  • Keep your devices and software up to date. Parents who are buying a new device for kids should ensure that they are configured for maximum privacy, and closely inspect any software or apps they want to install.
  • Practice good password hygiene. If you need to set up a new school account or sign up for various online learning platforms, use a unique and strong password (never recycle passwords, even if you deleted the account you previously used it on). Always opt for two-factor authentication where possible.
  • Install a security solution on your device to block malware, phishing websites, and other e-threats that may put you, your kids, or other family members at risk of fraud or identity theft.
  • If you’re planning a back-to-school online shopping haul, make sure you don’t fall for any scams you come across online. Be especially wary of unsolicited correspondence promoting too-good-too-be-true offers and deals for school.
  • Remind your kids about the importance of not oversharing online or with people and other children they meet at school. On this note, parents need to be aware of their child’s online activities to be able to act quickly in any dangerous situations. Teach kids to never give their home address, phone number or other identifiable information to people they meet online.
  • Ensure that kids are aware of the digital footprint they leave behind when they go online. The beginning of the school year can generate new friendships, but it can also fuel conflict between kids in the physical classroom or online. It’s important to remind kids that they should never respond to bullying or threats, but report them instead.
  • Encourage kids to create a positive digital footprint that can eventually turn into an asset in their education or career by focusing on their skills, interests and communication skills. A properly curated online presence focused on school projects, awards and artwork or writing can positively shape your child’s future
  • Watch out for phony fake friend requests or invitations to join a new class group on WhatsApp and social media channels and phony registration emails that may steal your personal details
  • Talk to the school and teachers about what cybersecurity precautions they take to ensure safe internet activities for students
  • Always log out of accounts from shared computers at school or other public workstations

Do you want to start the school season in style?

Grab a Bitdefender comprehensive all-in-one plan so you can focus on what matters most! Let us take care of your family’s devices and privacy with complete malware protection for up to 10 devices in your household, VPN with unlimited traffic for added privacy and a cross-platform Password Manager.

Don’t forget the handy Parental control features that can help you protect your kids from digital harm, as well chat protection features to block phishing links and even webcam protection to immediately notify you if your laptop’s or PC’s camera is misused.




Alina is a history buff passionate about cybersecurity and anything sci-fi, advocating Bitdefender technologies and solutions. She spends most of her time between her two feline friends and traveling.

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