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Iraqi hacker attacks Trump"s fundraising website


February 20, 2017

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Iraqi hacker attacks Trump"s fundraising website

The high number of security issues expressed about US President Trump”s insecure mail servers, the risks presidential records are exposed to from use of a personal smart phone, and other security problems associated with staff accounts linked to the Trump administration were not for nothing.

An unknown hacker or group of hackers by the name “Pro_Mast3r” and claiming to be Iraqi tampered on Sunday with the Trump campaign server, secure2.donaldjtrump.com, according to ArsTechnica.

The server was managed through the Cloudflare system and associated with the page for campaign donations, although not directly connected to the home page of the fundraising campaign. It is a legitimate certificate “but a reference to an image on another site is insecure, prompting a warning on Chrome and Firefox that the connection is not secure,” ArsTechnica writes.

The server is offline and the page displays an image reading “Hacked By Pro_Mast3r ~/Attacker Gov /Nothing Is Impossible /Peace From Iraq.”

The lax security is troubling, especially since it didn”t take an overly experienced hacker to attack the server. News of the hack arrive after Democrat lawmakers Tom Carper and Claire McCaskill contacted the US Department of Defense to express concern over Trump”s Android thus becoming a matter of national security.

No official statements have been made by President Trump or his administration, nor by Cloudflare.




After having addressed topics such as NFC, startups, and tech innovation, she has now shifted focus to internet security, with a keen interest in smart homes and IoT threats.

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