Stop Cyberbullying Day: The Proactive Role of Guardians in Preventing Cyberbullying


June 18, 2024

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Stop Cyberbullying Day: The Proactive Role of Guardians in Preventing Cyberbullying

Every year, on Stop Cyberbullying Day, individuals, organizations and communities come together to advocate for respectful and safer interactions for all, including some of the most vulnerable people in digital environments – children and youth.

Cyberbullying is ubiquitous in social interactions in the digital era, and it’s now crucial for parents and guardians to become aware of their role in preventing and mitigating the risks and impact of cyberbullying on kids of all ages.

Before we delve into the main subject of this article, here’s a short reminder of what cyberbullying entails. Online harassment or cyberbullying involves the use of digital platforms to harass, threaten, and emotionally harm individuals. It includes:

  • Sending mean or threatening messages
  • Spreading false information or rumors
  • Sharing private information without consent
  • Excluding someone from online groups or activities

The most common places for online harassment are:

  • Social media platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok
  • Any form of direct messaging app
  • Online chat rooms, forums and message boards
  • Email and streaming platforms such as Twitch and Discord
  • Any online gaming community

Fostering a safe online environment where children can learn, communicate, and express themselves without fear involves dedication and mindfulness from parents and guardians. Here’s where you can start to help your kids call out and stand up against bullies:

1. Establish Open Communication. Encourage children to talk about their online experiences without fear of judgment or punishment. Kids who feel supported are more likely to report online harassment. Make a habit of discussing their online interactions, listen to the child’s concerns and validate feelings.

2. Establish Digital Etiquette. To thrive, kids need to learn about responsible online behaviors and the importance of respecting other members of the digital community. Teaching kids to treat others with kindness and the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers, alongside helping them understand the potential consequences of their online activities, is a must.

3. Set Boundaries. Children should have clear guidelines for navigating the internet and using digital devices. Parents and guardians should set reasonable limits for screen time, use parental control software to monitor websites and apps, and establish age-appropriate social media platforms with profiles that should always be set to private.

4. Be a Positive Role Model. Kids model the behavior of adults in their life. By practicing kindness and respectful communication in online interactions, and, sticking to good cyber hygiene such as not oversharing information and posting inappropriate comments or media, you can influence your kids to adopt similar behaviors.

5. Respond Effectively to Cyberbullying. Effectively responding to bullying helps your child easily recover and learn from the experience. Encourage your child to always remain calm and never retaliate as it can further escalate the conflict. Advise children to keep evidence of any verbal abuse or harassment and always report such behaviors.

Parents who take a proactive role in preventing cyberbullying through open communication, education and positive role modeling help children effectively stand against cyberbullying.

For more information on cyberbullying prevention, check out our other articles:

Stop Cyberbullying Day: Reacting vs. Responding to Verbal Abuse Online

“Call it Out” on Stop Cyberbullying Day: How to Be an Effective Bystander in a Cyberbullying Situation




Alina is a history buff passionate about cybersecurity and anything sci-fi, advocating Bitdefender technologies and solutions. She spends most of her time between her two feline friends and traveling.

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