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Update Your Browser! Chrome 125 Fixes Yet More Critical Security Flaws


May 16, 2024

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Update Your Browser! Chrome 125 Fixes Yet More Critical Security Flaws

After a rapid succession of security updates, Google this week rolled out the latest major release of its popular web browser, Chrome 125, packing even more security fixes – including one for a critical issue said to be exploited in the wild.

Google has been releasing important security updates for Chrome users in the past week, addressing weaknesses that the search giant said were being exploited by threat actors.

With the promotion of Chrome 125 to the stable channel, Google is addressing a total of nine vulnerabilities, including yet another critical issue.

Tracked as CVE-2024-4947and tagged high risk, this critical flaw is described as a type confusion issue affecting the browser’s V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, which a malicious actor can typically exploit to trigger unintended behavior on the target machine.

“Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2024-4947 exists in the wild,” the search giant warns.

This is the third critical flaw said to be exploited in the wild patched by Google in the past week.

Chrome for Android also received an update, packing the same security fixes and performance improvements as its desktop counterparts (Windows and Mac).

The quick succession of critical security fixes may suggest Google has been addressing these recently found faults in a priority queue, based on their severity and degree of exploitability. As we note in previous articles on Chrome security releases, threat actors have been known to exploit such security issues to deploy data-stealing malware, like spyware.

As always, Bitdefender strongly recommends you deploy the latest security updates from your software/device vendor as soon as they’re available. Staying up to date with the latest security patches greatly reduces the attack surface for hackers.

To update your Chrome browser to the latest version, simply visit Settings -> About Chromeand let the app fetch the latest version for you. When prompted, close and restart your browser. On Windows and Mac, you should be presented with version 125.0.6422.60/.61. On Linux machines, Chrome 125.0.6422.60 is the version you’re after.

For peace of mind, consider a dedicated security solution as well.

In related news, Google and Applehave joined forces to offer an anti-stalking feature that combats unwanted Bluetooth trackers in a cross-platform effort to boost security and privacy across the iOS and Android ecosystems worldwide.




Filip has 15 years of experience in technology journalism. In recent years, he has turned his focus to cybersecurity in his role as Information Security Analyst at Bitdefender.

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