A Guide to Bitdefender Scam Copilot

Scam Copilot helps employees who use Bitdefender Ultimate Small Business Security avoid online scams.

Bitdefender Scam Copilot

It combines advanced scam recognition and automatic detection functions with educational capabilities, providing users with the protection and knowledge needed to better protect themselves against cyberattacks, contributing to better security for the entire organization. This feature is included in Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android and iOS, offering 2 functions in 1:

  • Scam Detection & Prevention Chatbot
  • Automatic Scam Detection

Both functions are accessible from the Scam Copilot menu, located in the bottom bar of the Bitdefender Mobile Security app.


Scam Copilot chatbot

To check potential online scams, Scam Copilot includes an AI-powered chatbot with two interaction capabilities:


Automatic Scam Detection

The Automatic Scam Detection function continuously monitors text messages and notifications for link-based scams. When a potential scam is detected, the user receives an immediate alert, to prevent them from falling victim to phishing scams. Supported actions by operating system:


  • Scans incoming text messages and notifications for suspicious URLs.
  • Warns you about harmful links.
  • Due to Android limitations, Bitdefender cannot delete text messages or handle malicious SMS notifications directly. However, if you ignore the warning and try to open a dangerous link Web Protection will block it, preventing infection.


  • Filters suspicious text messages from unknown senders and moves them to a Junk folder.
  • Identifies calendar viruses and helps unsubscribe from unwanted calendar spam.


To set up Automatic Scam Detection in Bitdefender Mobile Security, follow these steps:


Finding junk messages on your iPhone

To find the junk messages on your iPhone, follow these steps:

1. Open the Messages  Messages app, usually found on your home screen.


2. In the Messages app, tap the Filters option in the top left corner.


3. You will find all the messages from unknown or suspicious senders that Bitdefender Mobile Security has filtered for you into dedicated folders:


  • Transactions
  • Promotions 
  • Junk

Inside the Junk folder, you’ll find messages that have been identified as potentially spam or phishing. Take a look through these messages to ensure you’re not missing any important content. Depending on your preference, you can delete these messages or move them back to your main inbox if you find any legitimate content that was mistakenly marked as junk.



Automatic Scan Detection Statistics

StatisticsAfter enabling Automatic Scam Detection on Android, a donut chart will indicate the total count of scanned texts and notifications in the middle of the module. Below, the legend will show the exact amount of Texts, Notifications, and Links scanned.

ⓘ Links are not included in the chart/total counter, but counted and displayed separately in the legend area.

The list will display the last 3 detections. To extend the list by 3 more, press LOAD MORE. Exiting the Scam Copilot module will collapse this list.


Whenever Automatic Scam Detection finds a dangerous link, this section will display additional information:

  • Name of the app that originated the notification
  • Timestamp (hour, day)
  • URL of the detected link (non-clickable)
  • Threat type
  • App category (text or notification)