How to disable Wi-Fi on BT Smart Hub Router

Here’s how to disable Wi-Fi on BT Smart Hub routers:

1. Open the Hub Manager by going to https://bthomehub.home or in your web browser.

2. Click on the Settings tab and enter your Hub Manager password to log in. Unless you’ve changed it, you’ll find it on the pull-out Hub settings card on the back of your Hub. If you’ve changed it and forgotten it, you can use the password override feature.

3. Go to Advanced Settings and click on the Continue to Advanced Settings button.

4. Click on the Wireless tab –> 4GHz Wireless –> Wireless network enable –> select No for the radio button –> Apply.

5. Click on the Wireless tab –> 5GHz Wireless –> Wireless network enable –> select No for the radio button –> Apply.

6. Whenever you disable wireless, a pop-up will ask if you are sure. Click Yes to continue.