If you feel like you’re not 100% happy with your purchase, you’re free to change your mind and request a full refund. That’s why Bitdefender offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. We’ll process your request ASAP, and you’ll get your money back in no time.
How do I get a refund from Bitdefender?
If you are not completely satisfied with your Bitdefender renewal or new purchase, the easiest way to receive a refund is to reach out to your vendor or to our customer service team.
ⓘ Note: Bitdefender customer service can only refund orders placed directly through our official website. If you purchased Bitdefender from another seller, please get in touch with them to get your refund.
What happens when you send the request directly to us
If you placed your order directly through the official Bitdefender website, our customer service team can help you with a refund. To start the refund procedure, please click here to contact us.
What happens when you initiate a chargeback directly with your card issuer, bank, or PayPal
For a quicker resolution to your issue, we advise you to contact us first instead of filing a chargeback. If you choose to initiate a chargeback with your bank, credit card company, or PayPal, the process can be lengthy, taking up to 3-4 months before you receive a final resolution.
Shoppers may request a reversal of funds directly to their bank or PayPal account only if they have paid using a credit or debit card, or PayPal. This process is referred to as a chargeback. If you do proceed with a chargeback, the process of a transaction being reversed entails the following challenges:
- You start a chargeback dispute, and it will take a maximum of 15 days for the request to reach 2Checkout (authorized vendor of Bitdefender products purchased online).
- Then, 2Checkout will provide the required documents to the bank, which can take up to 90 days.
- After that, the bank will send their final decision based on the details received from both 2Checkout and you, which may take up to another 30 days.
- The vendor is notified about the chargeback resolution.