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Anonymous Could Expose More Than 600K IPS Customer Details


July 25, 2012

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Anonymous Could Expose More Than 600K IPS Customer Details

Anonymous recently launched Operation Australia with a plan to target major websites and reveal confidential data that would expose more than 600K of customer data of a major local Internet Service Provider.

Anonymous said it will leak more than 40GB of data and promised that no individuals` personal details will be compromised. The hacktivists recently said that “something big” will go down soon and the exposure of such data would be it.

The Australia ISP that was exposed is still a mystery but not many have a user base that surpasses 600,000 subscribers. On Operation Australia`s Twitter channel, Anonymous warns Australia to “Be Prepared #Australia! Something #BIG is heading your way! #anonymous #OpAustralia“.

The 40GB of data will probably be exposed soon, as Anonymous recently Tweeted “Almost there #Australia………“ The hacktivist group has a long track record of collecting and dumping sensitive data on websites such as Pastebin.

Operation Australia is the latest in a long line of named hacking attacks through which the organization managed to expose classified information. Revealing 600k of customer data will prove that ISPs need to toughen security and keep a close eye on hacking attempts.




Liviu Arsene is the proud owner of the secret to the fountain of never-ending energy. That's what's been helping him work his everything off as a passionate tech news editor for the past few years.

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