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China Criticizes US Cyber Spy Allegations


May 22, 2012

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China Criticizes US Cyber Spy Allegations

Beijing authorities comment on the US report that accuses the Chinese military of cyber espionage. The Communist Party representatives expressed firm opposition“ to the document, saying it misrepresents China’s development in the field.

China’s justified and normal military development“ had been unjustly criticized in the U.S. in irresponsible remarks, said Hong Lei, a Foreign Ministry spokesman.

So long as a country is not hostile to China, it will show no doubt or worry over such development.“

The spokesman also said China’s military development is designed exclusively to safeguard the country`s independence, and doesn`t target any other state.

The US Defense Department issued the annual report “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” a couple of days ago. The document made waves in China by saying it represents a growing threat to US economic security, as the world`s number one cyber spy.

Authoritative writings and China`s persistent cyber intrusions indicates the likelihood that Beijing is using cyber network operations (CNOs) as a tool to collect strategic intelligence,“ the Pentagon report read. Chinese actors are the world`s most active and persistent perpetrators of economic espionage.“

The US document also pointed to data theft and intellectual property infringements. According to the report, the main source for cyber-intrusions and data theft in 2011 was China.

The report is the latest in a series of US military releases that highlight concerns with China`s long-term military modernization efforts.




Bianca Stanescu, the fiercest warrior princess in the Bitdefender news palace, is a down-to-earth journalist, who's always on to a cybertrendy story.

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