1 min read

Horia Cretan


October 05, 2009

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Horia Cretan

Once the hotness
of Roman Polanski’s arrest
is gone and the flames of curiosity exploited
for wicked purposes are also fading, the malware authors laid their eyes (and
payloads) on some other breaking news.

This week, the maliciously crafted Web sites exploit Horia (Billy)
Cretan. His name displays in the top ten results on search engines when queried
about the Good Samaritan who saved a 4-year-old-boy from a burning building in Bronx, NYC.

Horia Cretan Malware

The M.O. is already classical: when clicked, the link of an
apparently legitimate Web site automatically redirects the browser towards a Web
page that infects the unwary user with a variant of Total
Security Rogue
, detected by
BitDefender as Trojan.Downloader.Fakealert.DD.

Horia Cretan malware

A word of advice: be cautious when clicking search engines
results and make sure your antimalware suite is up and running.




I rediscovered "all that technical jazz" with the E-Threat Analysis Team at Bitdefender, the creator of one of the industry's most effective lines of internationally certified security software.

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