1 min read

Ready to test the next generation of cybersecurity solutions?


May 31, 2019

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Ready to test the next generation of cybersecurity solutions?

The brand new Bitdefender 2020 series of security products is just around the corner, and we”re happy to announce that we’ll be starting offering a preview soon.[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@bitdefender” suffix=””]We are looking for 150 forward thinkers to lend us a helping hand in creating the world’s best security solution.[/inlinetweet] If you fit the bill and minor glitches don”t give you headache, then welcome aboard!

The beta testing campaign for Bitdefender Total Security 2020 starts on June 10. In order to take part into the beta, please take the survey on the Beta Testing page. Once you have been accepted, we”ll send you a welcome e-mail with a download link to get you started.

Watch this space for future announcements about brand-new features in the product!

[mks_button size=”large” title=”Ready to join the beta? Start here!” style=”squared” url=”https://www.bitdefender.com/beta2020/” target=”_self” bg_color=”#81d742″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”0″]




The meaning of Bitdefender’s mascot, the Dacian Draco, a symbol that depicts a mythical animal with a wolf’s head and a dragon’s body, is “to watch” and to “guard with a sharp eye.”

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