3 min read

BitDefender weekly review

Bogdan Botezatu

August 14, 2009

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BitDefender weekly review


worm is packed and encrypted in order to avoid av detection and hide
its malicious purpose. When first run, it creates a hidden copy of
itself in %windir%, under the name usb_magr.exe and makes specific
changes to the registry to ensure that the copy will be executed at
every system start up.

it drops a file named x.bat which will disable the Security Center
service. As a consequence of disabling this service, the user will
not be notified if virus protection, firewall and automatic updates
are enabled or not. The bat file deletes itself afterwards.

spreads on removable drives using the autorun.inf technique. The
executable is hidden in a RECYCLER folder to hide its presence and
will be executed each time the drive is accessed if the autorun
feature is enabled.

it will try to connect to an IRC server using the following
authentication details:


opening this backdoor the attacker will be able to control the
system, download other files or upgraded versions of the backdoor by
executing IRC commands,


file infector is made out of two components:
– A small code that
will receive execution before the infected file and will drop the
main executable
– The main executable file, which is responsible
for the rest of the malicious actions

The main executable will
perform the following, upon execution:
– create a new mutex:
BLACKSEEDER1.1, in order to avoid multiple instances of the same
– copy itself inside “%windir%Downloaded Program
Files” as xxxxxxxx.exe (where each x is a number from 0 to 9 or a
character from A to F, ex: 00094648.exe) and continue execution from
– drop a small dll file, xxxxxxxx.dat (the .exe file and the
.dat file will have the same 8-characters sequence), which will be
injected in every running process; it has only one purpose:
downloading files from the following URL:

it will infect .htm, .html, .php, .asp, .aspx files by adding an
invisible iframe pointing to:
– create a
desktop.ini file inside this folder, to make sure the malware-files
are not visible under Explorer
– register itself at startup by
making changes to the registry
– make a copy of itself inside the
root directory of every accessible drive
– create an autorun.inf
file on every accessible drive, which will point to the file
described above

It is also its responsibility to search and
infect other files, with the extentions: .exe, .com, .bat, .scr,
.cmd, if they are valid PE files. The infection process is the
– checks if the file is not already infected (last
section-name is not BSDR1.1)
– checks if the file has an overlay
(it will not infect files with overlay)
– If the file is not
infected, it will create a new section at the end of the executable,
where it will add the main-code that will get executed inside the
host, and the main executable file.
– modify the entry-point in
order for the virus to be executed first
– modify the SizeOfImage
and SizeOfCode fields inside headers, in order the reflect the new
changes after infection

“viral code” (1436 B) will receive the execution inside the
infected file, before the host (it is done by modifying the
entry-point of the infected application) and perform the following:

create a new mutex: BLACKSEEDER1.1, in order to avoid multiple
– retrieve addresses of some API functions it will use

retrieve temp-folder path
– drop and execute the main exe file
(which is located immediately after the viral code) inside temp
folder, as BLACKSEEDER1.1
– Jump back to the host code

The worm will also kill any process with one of the following
vstskmgr.exe, naprdmgr.exe, updaterui.exe, tbmon.exe,
scan32.exe, ravmond.exe, ccenter.exe, ravtask.exe, rav.exe,
ravmon.exe, ravmond.exe, ravstub.exe, kvxp.kxp, kvmonxp.kxp,
kvcenter.kxp, kvsrvxp.exe, kregex.exe, uihost.exe, trojdie.kxp,
frogagent.exe, 360Safe.exe, AST.exe …

… and terminate the
following services, if present on the system:
kavsvc, AVP,
AVPkavsvc, McAfeeFramework, McShield, McTaskManager, McAfeeFramework
McShield, McTaskManager, navapsvc, KVWSC, KVSrvXP, Schedule,
sharedaccess, RsCCenter, RsRavMon, RsCCenter, RsRavMon, wscsvc,
KPfwSvc, SNDSrvc, ccProxy, ccEvtMgr, ccSetMgr, SPBBCSvc, Symantec,
Core LC, NPFMntor, MskService, FireSvc, Alerter

in this article is available courtesy of BitDefender virus
researchers: Dana Stanut and Lutas Andrei Vlad



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