If you are NOT one of the 4.7 million people to have financially fueled the biggest PC game launch in history, but instead crave a free battle with Azmodan, the Lord of Sin, and Belial, the Lord of Lies, prepare for some bruises from the real world as well.
We`ve all found out (ever since before the beginning of the glittery 80s) that video has, indeed, killed the radio star. No news to be broken on the video tutorial either: it`s here to stay and to keep you gaping at the screen as you see others do to/for you what you`d like to do to others, so to say. Now, is there a video tutorial on the secret moves of Diablo warriors? Hell, yes! Is there a video out there that points you to a heavenly place where you can get free Diablo 3 licenses? Triple “Hell, yes!”.
“Wield the might of a thousand powers””¦.NOT. Just click.
Your quest for an answer on the evil`s rebirth comes to a really disappointing halt! All you get is a regular or premium encounter with”¦.the quiz maze!
What`s a disappointment if not the perfect occasion to try crying on a friend`s shoulder? Make it a virtual friend and you`re all set. The Facebook-savvy scammers` community will jump to the occasion and try to soothe you:
Well accustomed to the hellish temperatures of the Diablo universe, you forget the boiling pot you`ve just extracted yourself from, you get into your stoic Monk stanza and hit click”¦.AGAIN!
What happens next doesn`t lead you to “purg[ing] the Evil at its source and restor[ing] balance to the corrupted lands of Sanctuary.” Instead, it takes you to a classic Facebook scam with a phishy twist.
Recognize the blind Share and Like tricks? Thought so. Now listen to this: you are already logged in to Facebook and Shares will work without harm, but when you hit Like, a pop-up window will request your credentials AGAIN. And that`s when you say bye-bye to your account!
If downloading game licenses from authorized sites is not an absolute must for you, then using internet security software should be. It`ll definitely help you save your neck for real, in-game bone- breaking sessions!
This article is based on the technical information provided courtesy of Tudor Florescu, BitDefender Online Threats Analyst.
All product and company names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and are the property of, and may be trademarks of, their respective owners.
Ioana Jelea has a disturbing (according to friendly reports) penchant for the dirty tricks of online socialization and for the pathologically mesmerizing news trivia.
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