2 min read

OMG!!!!! Shocking Truth About Cyber-Criminals. Your jaw will drop when you see what they did!!!


November 14, 2012

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OMG!!!!! Shocking Truth About Cyber-Criminals. Your jaw will drop when you see what they did!!!

You will lose all respect for cyber-criminals after reading this blog post!

After sending out rumors Rihanna and Miley Cyrus have died, Facebook scammers are again spreading “embarrassing” videos with the two American celebrities to steal users` credentials and money through bogus surveys.

Users can`t get enough of sexy videos with celebrities! So scammers “resurrected” two of the most popular American stars for a new Facebook trap. Fans will supposedly lose their respect (again!) for Rihanna and Miley Cyrus after watching the incredible videos posted on YouvTube. Yes, youv read it right! Scammers are grammatically-challenged on purpose, and the authentic logo of the video sharing website makes the masquerade more credible.

The hardcore photos promoting the scams make every compulsive clicker land on YouvTube or YouzTube to proudly say he`s over 18. Here`s where the scam brought one of my friends:

After clicking on one of the buttons to verify their age, users are duped to a Facebook login page where they are asked for their credentials.

The sign up process stumbles at some point, and redirects users to endless money-making surveys. Depending on the IP detected, fans are also brought to local commercial websites such as horoscope and fun cards that install aggressive add-ons.

Due to likejacking, a malicious technique making users accidentally post updates, my friend had his account temporarily unavailable. He never got to see the promised sleazy sex video with Rihanna or Miley Cyrus.

According to messages circulating via Facebook and Twitter, both stars have died. This is not the first time they`re dead either.

If you want to find out more about the latest scams, join the Bitdefender Facebook page, where over 240,000 users connect to find out about e-threats and share their exciting security stories. You can also install Bitdefender`s free app Safego, which protects social media accounts from all sorts of e-trouble: scams, spam, malware and private data exposure.




Bianca Stanescu, the fiercest warrior princess in the Bitdefender news palace, is a down-to-earth journalist, who's always on to a cybertrendy story.

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