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Plan to Starve Ransomware Operations: 40 Nations Unite to Cut Off Funding


November 03, 2023

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Plan to Starve Ransomware Operations: 40 Nations Unite to Cut Off Funding

In a concerted effort to halt the alarming spread of ransomware attacks, 40 countries are set to promise to resist the financial demands of cyber extortionists.

The pledge is to be made at the third annual International Counter-Ransomware Initiative Summit in Washington, DC, symbolizing a global stand against the ransomware menace wreaking havoc across the globe.

Global Struggle Against Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are now a worldwide concern, with incidents escalating both in frequency and impact.

The US alone bears the brunt, accounting for a staggering 46% of such attacks. According to White House Deputy National Security Adviser for Cyber and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger, this initiative primarily aims to mitigate the burgeoning ransomware risks internationally.

"Ransomware is an issue that knows no borders. And as long as there's money flowing to ransomware criminals … the problem will continue to grow," Neuberger said.

The Pledge: A Step Towards Defunding Cybercriminals

The pledge's focal point is to choke ransomware gangs' financial lifeline by refusing to pay ransom.

The summit will also explore strategies to block the amassed funds currently fueling these criminal syndicates.

By throttling their financial engine, the initiative hopes to decelerate the evolution and potency of ransomware groups, potentially leading to a decline in their nefarious activities.

Recent Victories and New Tools in the Battle

The fight against ransomware has recently seen encouraging advancements. In mid-October, a tri-continental operation managed to dismantle the notorious Ragnar Locker ransomware operation.

Additionally, the FBI and CISA have issued advisories and warnings regarding emerging ransomware threats like AvosLocker and a new technique dubbed Dual Ransomware.

Notably, Cybernews has introduced Ransomlooker, a tool aimed at monitoring ransomware groups' operations and extortion websites, aiding both experts and the curious in tracking the malevolent activities of these criminal entities.

Recommendations for Ransomware Safety

In light of the escalating ransomware threats, users should employ healthy security measures to bolster individual and organizational defenses against ransomware:

  1. Educate and Train: Awareness and education on phishing tactics, often used as entry points for ransomware, are crucial.
  2. Regular Backups: Ensure that data is backed up regularly to a secure location, allowing for recovery in the event of a ransomware attack.
  3. Update and Patch Systems: Keep all systems and software updated to patch vulnerabilities that could be exploited.
  4. Employ Specialized Software: Utilize solid security software such as Bitdefender Ultimate Security to detect and prevent ransomware attacks.

The united front showcased in the upcoming summit underscores the global resolve to combat the ransomware epidemic.

Through collective refusal to finance cybercriminals and enhanced preventive measures, there's a shimmer of hope in curbing the ransomware menace plaguing the digital realm.




Vlad's love for technology and writing created rich soil for his interest in cybersecurity to sprout into a full-on passion. Before becoming a Security Analyst, he covered tech and security topics.

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