The contest starts on 11 January, and ends on 15 January 2010. There are 10 BitDefender Internet Security licenses for 1 year in the game and you could be the winner!
What you have to do:
- Search the blog for the malware image that looks like this:
- Click on the malware image you found and follow the steps.
- Wait for the contest to end, the winners will be chosen random from those who found the malware image.
Hint: The Malware has been seen mostly on the News and Blog sections.
The contest is over. Thank you for participating.Stay tuned for another great contest next week!
And The Winners are:
1. Rako Graham
2. Shreekant Rathod
3. Farida Ismail
4. Juju Creed
5. Mihai Mihai
6. Piyush More
7. Ladislau Brotea
8. Ion Ion
9. Marek Prokop
10. Ram Agarwal
The prizes will be sent by e-mail today. Thank you all for participating and stay tuned for great contest!