Teaching Cybersecurity to Kids on International Children’s Day


May 30, 2024

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Teaching Cybersecurity to Kids on International Children’s Day

Happy International Children’s Day!

June marks the start of summer, but in different parts of the world, it is a month dedicated to celebrating children and making efforts to improve their wellbeing.

This children’s day, we wish to join the celebrations by raising kids’ awareness of cyber safety and teaching them to make smart decisions while exploring the online world to ensure their safety and privacy.

Children are naturally curious about everything around them, including technology. However, despite becoming digital whiz-kids at an early age, mastering technological tools comes with its share of risks that leave them immensely vulnerable to online threats, from online predators to phishing, cyberbullying and even identity theft.

As such, parents must teach kids to be proactive and protect against the darker side of technology and the internet.

Did you know?

Three in four children around the globe (73%) suffered at least one cyber threat in 2022, according to the Child Online Safety Index:

  • Half of the children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 experienced cyberbullying
  • Forty percent of children said they experienced some form of cyber threats
  • Thirteen percent had risky contact, including offline meetings with a stranger

Parents and caregivers can empower children to use the internet and benefit safely from all its perks. Besides setting clear rules and boundaries regarding internet surfing and screen time, children need to learn about the importance of personal data, their online footprint, and open communication.

Let’s look at some of the most important topics you can talk about with your child to help deal with any potential issues that may arise when exploring the digital realm:

1. General internet safety rules with a focus on education and empowerment instead of fear

  • Limit the amount of information shared online. Children should not share personally identifiable information, including photos, videos, phone numbers, home address, or school name
  • Never interact with strangers or accept friend or message requests from people they don’t know
  • Keep online accounts private by using the privacy settings of each platform. Parents should also remember that children under the age of 13 should not have access to social media platforms.
  • Use strong and unique passwords for online accounts: gaming, school, or social media. You can opt for a password manager to help generate new passwords and keep them safe
  • Add extra layers of security to an online account by enabling two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication
  • Never access links or attachments received from unfamiliar sources or online pop-ups
  • Keep smart devices safe, password-protected and always updated
  • Never install new apps or software without adult permission and supervision. Many mobile applications ask for private information when signing up or ask to link a credit card number which will ensue recurring payments, or install malware onto the device
  • Monitor for data breaches involving your child’s information. These could involve personally identifiable information from his school, gaming platform or another website.
  • Immediately contact a trusted adult when threatened or asked to do something they feel uncomfortable with

2. Building digital resilience and positive digital footprints

  • Develop critical thinking skills in kids by promoting the importance of verifying information in multiple sources and scrutinizing any headline, post or video that sounds too good to be true.
  • Kids should think twice before posting or sharing photos, memes, or nasty comments online. Any messages or posts can portray them in a negative light in the future and harm their reputation
  • Always seek support from trusted adults and family members when in doubt
  • Never respond to online harassment and respect members of the online community
  • Talk about online scams, social engineering tricks and fake photos or videos
  • Always report improper behavior, cyberbullying, threats, or suspicious behavior
  • Teach kids that it’s OK to say NO when they are asked to participate in improper digital behaviors, share inappropriate information and media, or do anything that makes them uncomfortable

3. Using dedicated privacy and safety tools

  • Use the right tools to protect your kid's privacy and online safety. Depending on your child's needs, you can opt for a security solution, ad blockers, VPNs, or parental control features.
  • If applicable, use a dedicated digital identity protection service to help discover the extent of their digital footprint and stay informed on data breaches and leaks.

Use a service like Bitdefender Digital Identity Protection to find an delete old accounts, respond to data breaches and reduce the amount of personal information found online (the service online uses email address and phone number)

  • Use dedicated scam detection tools such as Bitdefender Scamio

Our AI-powered tool is dedicated to helping you and your loved ones identify and avoid scams. When unsure about an online email proposal, text, or request, you can check it with Scamio on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or a web browser for free!

Copy/paste a text or link, describe the situation, and upload the image or the QR code you want to verify. Scamio will analyze the data and tell you if anyone is trying to scam you.  Help others stay safe by sharing Scamio in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Romania, Australia and the UK.

This International Children’s Day pledge Online Security to your kids!

Together, we can empower kids to avoid internet threats and become responsible digital citizens. In addition to nurturing open conversations when facing an online dilemma, you can become a digital role model who supports their livelihood and embraces their quest for knowledge and fun.

Choose a Bitdefender all-in-one security solution to protect up to 25 household devices from the most sophisticated cyberthreats and protect your family’s privacy with unlimited VPN traffic, webcam and microphone protection, a cross-platform password manager, and parental control features to filter out inappropriate content for your kids’ online activities.

Find out more here,




Alina is a history buff passionate about cybersecurity and anything sci-fi, advocating Bitdefender technologies and solutions. She spends most of her time between her two feline friends and traveling.

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