Telegram has recently made significant changes that could affect how users view the platform. Privacy has always been a major strength for Telegram. But things seem to have shifted—especially with their latest terms of service update.
Privacy is one of the biggest reasons people use Telegram, especially if you value secure communication—whether you're an activist, journalist, or just someone who enjoys keeping things private. But now, Telegram states they will comply with law enforcement requests if the situation warrants it.
One of the main criticisms Telegram has faced is the perception that it does too little to curb illegal activities on its platform. But the company insists it’s just being privacy-focused. It's true, though, that the same encryption tools that protect activists and journalists also, unfortunately, get used by people with malicious intent.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov acknowledged this tension, saying: "While 99.999% of Telegram users have nothing to do with crime, the 0.001% involved in illicit activities create a bad image for the entire platform, putting the interests of our almost billion users at risk."
The arrest of the CEO in France seemed to trigger a wave of changes within the company. For example, Telegram recently removed the People Nearby feature, which the company claims wasn't helpful anyway, and it had issues with bots and scammers. In its place, they've introduced Businesses Nearby—an option highlighting legitimate and verified businesses in your area.
They've also scrapped media uploads to Telegraph (a blogging tool), citing misuse by anonymous actors.
The changes to Telegram's Terms of Service (TOS) are perhaps the most telling. In the past, Telegram only agreed to share user information with authorities if they received a court order that confirmed you were a terror suspect. That was a pretty narrow definition.
The updated TOS states that they may share your IP address and phone number with authorities if you're involved in criminal activities that violate the Telegram TOS. It has a broader scope and includes a legal analysis of each request, suggesting a more nuanced approach to sharing information.
Telegram has also committed to publishing a quarterly transparency report that will disclose when user information has been shared with authorities.
Silviu is a seasoned writer who followed the technology world for almost two decades, covering topics ranging from software to hardware and everything in between.
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