2 min read

Facebook Credit Generator Scam Claims Thousands of Victims


November 01, 2013

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Facebook Credit Generator Scam Claims Thousands of Victims

Over 70,000 users were apparently fooled by a credit generator scam that started circulating on Facebook today. The free Bitdefender application Safego blacklisted the fraudulent message that spreads on users` timeline through likejacking.

Facebook Credit Generator Scam Claims Thousands of Victims “This is how all the professionals do,” the scam message reads. “They use this free software to add free credits to their accounts. So they can win all the time http://[link removed].”

The tool luring users to a “goo.gl” URL pretends to generate up to 500 free credits without any downloads involved. Scammers claim their software is very user friendly and “even a 5 year old kid can play with it.”

Before getting to the fake credit generator tool, users have to follow several steps. One includes Ëœjoining` scammers` PR departments to promote the bait on the social network. After copying and posting the message on at least five gaming fan pages on Facebook, credit-hunters would allegedly get the software for a limited time.

In reality, they will never get their 50 credits for every post they make, but instead end up unwillingly promoting scammers` dubious websites. The Facebook fan page already gathered 2,669 likes and doesn`t seem to stop here with the abusive marketing.

Free credit generator scams have been circulating on Facebook for a couple of years. Users are advised to be wary of offers, software giveaways and other freebies that require them to like multiple items and follow several steps.

Facebook Credit Generator Scam Claims Thousands of Victims Checking the permissions Facebook apps require represents another security measure to avoid similar scams. Users can also install the free app Safego, which cleans their timeline of malicious URLs and other dangerous links.

All product and company names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and are the property of, and may be trademarks of, their respective owners.




Bianca Stanescu, the fiercest warrior princess in the Bitdefender news palace, is a down-to-earth journalist, who's always on to a cybertrendy story.

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