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Valve Patches HTML Injection Flaw in Counter-Strike 2


December 12, 2023

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Valve Patches HTML Injection Flaw in Counter-Strike 2

Vulnerability Discovered in CS2’s User Interface

Valve has recently addressed a significant HTML injection vulnerability in its popular game, Counter-Strike 2 (CS2).

The issue was identified in the game's Panorama user interface, which was built using CSS, HTML and JavaScript. The vulnerability stemmed from the game's input fields configured to accept HTML code directly.

This oversight let players inject images and other HTML content into the game client, bypassing the usual sanitization that would convert inputs into regular strings.

Exploitation of Flaw for Pranks and IP Address Exposure

Reports from players began to emerge highlighting the misuse of this flaw. While many used it for harmless pranks by injecting images into the game’s kick voting panel, some exploited the vulnerability for more malicious purposes.

Using the <img> tag, certain players ran remote IP logger scripts that captured the IP addresses of others in the game. This raised concerns as such information could be used for DDoS attacks, impacting the players' network performance and overall gaming experience.

Valve’s Response and Security Patch

Recognizing the seriousness of the issue, Valve quickly responded with a patch. A recent update, measuring merely 7MB, was rolled out to address the flaw.

Post-update, any HTML content inputted by players will now be sanitized to regular strings, preventing the previous display of raw HTML content in the game client. This fix should eliminate the possibility of injecting images or executing scripts that could reveal players' IP addresses.

Protecting Your Online Privacy

These events serve to remind players of the importance of online privacy and security. Using dedicated solutions like Bitdefender VPN can thwart privacy breaches even if similar exploits are discovered in the future.

By masking their real IP addresses, players can safeguard themselves against unwanted intrusions and attacks, ensuring a safer and more secure gaming experience.




Vlad's love for technology and writing created rich soil for his interest in cybersecurity to sprout into a full-on passion. Before becoming a Security Analyst, he covered tech and security topics.

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