partnerships with law enforcement agencies worldwide, including Europol, Eurojust and Interpol.


stopped from funding cybercrime, disrupting the trust between threat actors.


free ransomware decryptors released to the public, helping victims recover their data.


cybercriminal operations neutralized, including takedowns of ransomware groups, botnets, and dark web marketplaces.

Fighting Cybercrime Timeline


Bitdefender joins Europol EC3

Bitdefender advises Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), sharing data and knowledge to disrupt, prevent, and investigate cybercrime.


Fighting Ransomware

Bitdefender joins the No More Ransom initiative; commits to providing free resources and tools to help victims recover from ransomware attacks.


Dark Web Drug Market Hansa Takedown

Bitdefender helps strike a blow to dark web activities by providing intel to global authorities in their effort to take down notorious dark web market Hansa. 


Joins Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Bitdefender joins the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, a partnership of over 100 companies and organizations with the mission to protect consumers, businesses and governments from cyber-attacks.


Releases Free GandCrab Ransomware Decryptor

In collaboration with the Romanian Police, Europol and other law enforcement agencies, Bitdefender released a free decryptor for GandCrab ransomware, which in 2018 had a “market share” of 50%.


Sipuli and Silkkitie Dark Web Market Takedowns

Bitdefender helps shut down Sipuli and Silkkitie (Valhalla Marketplace) with technical expertise and operational support.


Sodinokibi/REvil Criminals Behind Bars and Bitdefender Releases Decryptor

Bitdefender worked with law enforcement to create a decryptor and helped international authorities with the investigation into the notorious Sodinokibi/REvil ransomware group.


Chasing Narcos

Bitdefender's technical and investigative expertise aided Finnish Customs (Tulli) in dismantling PIILOPUOTI, a dark web marketplace selling illegal narcotics.


Law Enforcement Arrests LockerGoga Ransomware Criminals

Arrests in the LockerGoga Ransomware case, where Bitdefender issued a decryption tool one year earlier


Released Decryptor for the MegaCortex Ransomware Family

This decryptor was built in cooperation with Europol, the NoMoreRansom Project, the Zürich Public Prosecutor's Office and the Zürich Cantonal Police.


Dismantling Botnets

The FBI dismantled the Interplanetary Storm botnet, which infected thousands of devices globally. Bitdefender provided crucial intelligence about the criminal infrastructure behind it.


Operation Endgame

Bitdefender supports Operation Endgame. The operation, which was led by major global law enforcement agencies, is reportedly the largest ever against botnets.The actions focused on disrupting criminal services through arresting High Value Targets, taking down the criminal infrastructures and freezing illegal proceeds. 

Trusted by Global Law Enforcement Partners

"FBI Releases Master Decryption Keys for GandCrab Ransomware”

FBI logo

“The FBI, in partnership with law enforcement agencies from 8 European countries, as well as Europol and Bitdefender, released a decryption tool applicable to all versions of GandCrab ransomware… Experts estimate GandCrab infected over 500,000 victims worldwide, causing losses in excess of $300 million.”

Five affiliates to Sodinokibi/REvil unplugged

Europol logo

“The support from the cybersecurity sector has proven crucial for minimizing the damage from ransomware attacks [Sodinokibi/REvil and GandCrab] still the biggest cybercrime threat…Bitdefender supported this investigation by providing key technical insights throughout the entire investigation, along with decryption tools for both of these highly prolific ransomware families to help victims recover their files.”

Finnish Customs (Tulli) from HackRead

Tulli Customs logo

“It [PIILOPUOTI] was a Finnish-language platform known for selling/smuggling narcotics, paraphernalia, and other illegal commodities in large quantities. Cybersecurity firm Bitdefender cooperated with the authorities in seizing the marketplace.”

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Inside the Darknet

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Cybercrime: Ransomware

Ransomware & Phishing: Uncovering Attack Strategies

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