Calculating battery usage of MTD on iOS
To accurately measure the average battery consumption of MTD on iOS devices, battery tests should be conducted over a 24-hour period. This ensures the readings account for typical device usage and provide reliable results.
When MTD is first launched on an Android device, it performs a comprehensive security check. This may result in temporarily high battery usage within the first hour. However, accurate results can only be determined after the app has been running continuously for at least 24 hours.
Battery Consumption Calculation
The actual MTD battery consumption is determined by subtracting the battery end percentage from the battery start percentage and multiplying it by the percentage of consumption of the application (expressed as a decimal). The percentage consumed per hour is calculated by dividing the actual consumption by 24.
To determine MTD’s actual battery consumption, follow this formula: True Consumption = (Battery Start % - Battery End %) × (MTD Consumption % / 10)
To calculate the percentage of battery used per hour: Battery Usage Per Hour = True Consumption / 24
Based on the data provided in the screenshot, the calculation for MTD battery consumption is as follows:

Device Battery Consumption = 93 - 78 = 15
MTD Battery Usage = 76 / 10 = 7.6
True Consumption = 15 * 7.6 = 114
Battery Usage by MTD per hour = 114 / 24 hrs = 4.75% per hour