Mobile Security is a cloud-only mobile security solution able to protect mobile devices with Android or iOS operating systems against multiple threat vectors.
Advanced malware detection - safeguards mobile devices from a broad variety of threats by offering comprehensive malware detection capabilities.
Phishing protection - analyses incoming messages and detects any malicious links or content that could be used to acquire sensitive data or credentials.
Network security - offers an extensive set of tools for protecting mobile devices against a variety of network-based hazards. It helps assure the security and integrity of mobile devices in the current threat landscape by monitoring network traffic, providing secure connectivity, and detecting and preventing attacks.·
Compliance and policy enforcement - assist organizations in protecting their mobile devices from a variety of threats and ensuring that they are used securely and compliantly by making sure that all applications are properly vetted.
Mobile threat intelligence - provides users the real-time security and analytics they need to protect their mobile devices from a variety of threats.
Integration with mobile device management (MDM) solutions - enhances mobile security features. Because of the integration, enterprises may install the mobile threat defense solution using their existing MDM infrastructure. The integration also enables mobile device security policies to be enforced automatically.
Web content filtering - warns and prevent users from accessing potentially harmful websites and links, such as malware, phishing, botnets, and suspicious domains, or websites that violate your organization's standards.
Mobile Security is dependent on the following components:
GravityZone Control Center - enables organizations to protect their endpoints against cyber threats, manage security policies efficiently, and reduce the risk of data breaches.
Mobile Security Console - allows users to remotely manage and monitor the security of their mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
GravityZone MTD - helps protect mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, from various security threats. These threats may include malware, phishing attacks, theft, and unauthorized access to personal data.
Security for Chrome - monitors other Chrome extensions on the user's device and includes a Web Content Filtering tool to warn and prevent users from accessing potentially harmful websites and links, such as malware, phishing, botnets, and suspicious domains, or websites that violate your organization's standards.