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Using the Uninstall Tool to remove Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools

This topic explains how to uninstall Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools from your machine using the Uninstall Tool.


The Uninstall Tool removes Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools (BEST) from your Windows endpoints.


Using the Uninstall Tool always requires a computer restart.

This tool can be used in the following scenarios:

  • The current installation is corrupted.

  • The endpoints have remnants from previous installations or uninstallations.

  • You want to remove the security agent using a script from one or multiple machines.

Use the Uninstall Tool

You can remove the security agent that is protected with an uninstall password by following these steps:

  1. Download the uninstall tool from Uninstall tools for business products.

  2. Open Command Prompt with administrative rights.

  3. Navigate to the folder where you saved the Uninstall Tool.

  4. Run the following command:

    BEST_uninstallTool.exe /bdparams /password= "your_plain_text_password"


To remove BEST that is not protected with password, download the uninstall tool and run it with administrative rights.

You can also remove the product by opening the Command Prompt with administrative privileges and running the executable file from there.

When you uninstall the product you can use the following parameters:




The parameter allows you to enter the uninstall password.


BEST_uninstallTool.exe /password= "your_plain_text_password"


This parameter creates a log of the uninstall process in the %programdata%\bduninstalltool\uninstalltool folder.

The command for BEST with an uninstall password is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /bdparams /password= "your_plain_text_password" /log

The command for BEST without an uninstall password is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /log


This parameter forcefully uninstalls the product, removing remnants and corrupted files from incomplete installations or uninstallations.

Using this parameter:

  • Does not bypass the uninstall password.

  • Does not uninstall newer product versions than the uninstall tool version.

  • Does not uninstall other Bitdefender products. It only uninstalls BEST.

The command for BEST with an uninstall password is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /password= "your_plain_text_password" /bruteForce

The command for BEST without an uninstall password is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /bruteForce


This parameter uses capital letters and is available only for product versions starting with 7.x.


This parameter allows the /bruteforce parameter to completely remove BEST, when BEST cannot be detected by the endpoint.

The command is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /bruteForce /destructive


  • This command should only be used to remove certain parts of the BEST product. Does not uninstall other Bitdefender products. It only uninstalls BEST.

  • This command functions correctly only if you use the latest version of the uninstall tool. However, if you have an outdated uninstall tool, you can still uninstall BEST from the Control Panel.


This parameter allows you to enter an uninstall password that is encoded in base64 UTF-8. You can use this parameter when your password contains restricted characters.

The command is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /passbase64= "your_encoded_password"


This parameter allows for no user input during the uninstall process.


Possible error messages during the process are not going to be displayed.

The command is:

BEST_uninstallTool.exe /noWait

Watch a full video tutorial on the topic here: