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This method returns detailed information, such as: details to identify the endpoint and the security agent, the status of installed protection modules.


This method requires you to place the {service} name in the API URL. The allowed services are:

  • computers, for "Computers and Virtual Machines"

  • virtualmachines, for "Virtual Machines"

For example, the request URL for the virtual machines service is:





Included in request




The ID of the endpoint for which the details will be returned.



Must be a valid ID, belonging to a managed endpoint.


You can use the getEndpointsList method to get a list of managed endpoints by including the isManaged parameter and setting it to true.

Return value

This method returns an Object containing the details of the specified endpoint:

  • id - the ID of managed endpoint

  • name - the name of the endpoint

  • companyId - the ID of the company to which the endpoint belongs

  • operatingSystem - the operating system of the endpoint

  • state - the power state of the machine: 1 - online, 2 - offline, 3 - suspended, 0 - unknown.


    The following states will be returned only for endpoints that are part of an active virtualization integration configured in GravityZone:

    • 2 - offline

    • 3 - suspended

  • ip - the IP address of the endpoint

  • lastSeen - the date of the last synchronization with Control Center

  • machineType - the type of the machine: 1 - computer, 2 - virtual machine, 3 - EC2 Instance, 0 - Other

  • agent - an Object containing the following information about the agent installed on the endpoint:

    • engineVersion, the version of the scanning engine

    • primaryEngine, the first engine to be used when scanning for malware. It can have one of the following values:

      • 1 - for Central Scanning (Security Server)

      • 2 - for Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines)

      • 3 - for Local Scanning (Full Engines)

      • 0 - Unknown

    • fallbackEngine, the engine to be used if the primary engine is unavailable when the task is sent. It can have one of the following values:

      • 2 - for Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines)

      • 3 - for Local Scanning (Full Engines)

      • 0 - Unknown

    • lastUpdate, the time and date of the last signatures update

    • licensed, the license status: 0 - pending authentication, 1 - active license, 2 - expired license, 6 - there is no license or not applicable

    • productOutdated, a Boolean specifying whether the agent's version is the latest available or not

    • productUpdateDisabled, a Boolean specifying if product updates are disabled

    • productVersion, the version of the agent

    • signatureOutdated, a Boolean specifying if the antimalware signatures of the endpoint are outdated

    • signatureUpdateDisabled, a Boolean specifying if the antimalware signature updates are disabled

    • type, identifies which type of agent is installed on the endpoint:

      • 1 - Endpoint Security

      • 2 - Bitdefender Tools

      • 3 - BEST

  • group - an Object pointing to the group to which the endpoint belongs. The object contains the following fields:

    • id, the ID of the group

    • name, the name of the group

  • malwareStatus - an Object informing of the status of the endpoint related to malware. The object has the following fields:

    • detection, a Boolean indicating if malware was detected on the endpoint in the last 24 hours,

    • infected, a Boolean informing if the antimalware was able to remove the infection or the endpoint is still infected

  • policy - an Object informing about the active policy on the endpoint. The object contains:

    • id, the ID of the active policy,

    • name, the name of the policy,

    • applied, a Boolean set to True if the policy is currently applied on the endpoint

  • modules - an Object informing of the installed modules and their statuses. The fields have Boolean values, True - if the module is enabled, or False - if the module is disabled. The available fields are:

    • advancedThreatControl

    • antimalware

    • contentControl

    • deviceControl

    • firewall

    • powerUser

    • encryption

    • edrSensor

    • hyperDetect

    • patchManagement

    • relay

    • sandboxAnalyzer

    • exchange

    • advancedAntiExploit

    • containerProtection

    • networkAttackDefense

  • label - string, the label set to this endpoint

  • managedWithBest - a Boolean set to True if the agent (BEST) is installed on the endpoint.

  • isContainerHost - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint is a Container Host.

  • managedExchangeServer - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint is an Exchange Server

  • managedRelay - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint has Relay role

  • securityServer - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint is a Security Server

  • managedWithNsx - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint is in a protected VMware NSX data center

  • managedWithVShield - a Boolean set to True if the endpoint is in a protected VMware vShield environment



       "params": {
           "endpointId" : "54a28b41b1a43d89367b23fd",

       "jsonrpc": "2.0",
       "method": "getManagedEndpointDetails",
       "id": "301f7b05-ec02-481b-9ed6-c07b97de2b7b"


      "result": {
          'id': '54a28b41b1a43d89367b23fd',
          'name': 'WIN-TGQDU499RS4',
          'companyId': '5575a235d2172c65038b454e',
          'operatingSystem': 'Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter',
          'state': 1,
          'ip': '',
          'lastSeen': '2015-06-22T13:46:59',
          'machineType': 1,
          'agent': {
               'engineVersion': '7.61184',
               'primaryEngine': 1,
               'fallbackEngine': 2,
               'lastUpdate': '2015-06-22T13:40:06',
               'licensed': 1,
               'productOutdated': False,
               'productUpdateDisabled': False,
               'productVersion': '',
               'signatureOutdated': False,
               'signatureUpdateDisabled': False,
               'type': 3
          'group': {
               'id': '5575a235d2172c65038b456d',
               'name': 'Custom Groups'
          'malwareStatus': {
               'detection': False,
               'infected': False
          'modules': {
               'advancedThreatControl': False,
               'antimalware': True,
               'contentControl': False,
               'deviceControl': False,
               'firewall': False,
               'powerUser': False,
               'networkAttackDefense': False

          'policy': {
               'id': '5121da426803fa2d0e000017',
               'applied': True,
               'name': 'Default policy'
           "label" : "endpoint label",
