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Use this method to update an installation package.


The atc module is deprecated. It is recommended to use advancedThreatControl instead.









The ID of the package.




The name of the package.




The description of the package. If no value is passed, the description will be an empty string.




The language of the package in the LL_CC format, where LL is the language and CC is the country. The supported languages are: en_US, es_ES, de_DE, fr_FR, ro_RO, pl_PL, pt_BR, it_IT, ru_RU. If not specified, the default value is en_US.




An object with the modules to be enabled/disabled. The keys can be:

  • advancedThreatControl

  • firewall

  • contentControl


    If contentControl is present, it's value will automatically be assigned to the userControl, antiphishing, and trafficScan. Trying to assign a different value to any of the three keys will result in an error.


    The contentControl setting is deprecated. It is recommended to use userControl, antiphishing, and trafficScan settings instead.

  • userControl


    If the contentControl exists, the value assigned to it will also be assigned to this key.

  • antiphishing


    If the contentControl exists, the value assigned to it will also be assigned to this key.

  • trafficScan


    If the contentControl exists, the value assigned to it will also be assigned to this key.

  • deviceControl

  • powerUser

  • edrSensor

  • advancedAntiExploit

  • containerProtection

  • encryption

  • patchManagement

  • networkAttackDefense

The values can be 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). If the module is not sent, it will be considered disabled. For EDR (Report only), the modules parameter must have the default configuration: edrSensor, contentControl, networkAttackDefense and advancedThreatControl are set to 1 (enabled). All other modules are set to 0. For Detection and prevention, all modules have the default value 0.




An object with the scan mode settings. Object description:

  • The accepted keys are: type, vms, computers, and ec2 if the AWS integration is set up. The type value can be 1 (automatic) or 2 (for custom mode).

  • If type value is 2, then the computers, vms and ec2 keys and values need to be sent, otherwise the default values will be filled by the system. The value for computers, vms and ec2 is an object with the possible keys: main and fallback.

  • The values for main can be 1 (for Central Scanning (Security Server)), 2 (for Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines)) or 3 (for Local Scanning (Full Engines)).

  • The values for fallback can be 2 (for Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines)) or 3 (for Local Scanning (Full Engines)). If the value for main option is 2 or 3, the value of fallback will not be considered.

  • The main option for ec2 can be only 1 (for Central Scanning (Security Server)).

  • If this parameter is not sent, the values for automatic mode are saved.




An object with other settings of the package. The values can be:

  • removeCompetitors,

  • uninstallPassword,

  • customInstallationPath,

  • customGroupId.

  • vmsCustomGroupId

The value for removeCompetitors can be 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled). uninstallPassword should be a string and it should meet the complexity requirements: The password must be at least 6 characters in length and it must contain at least one digit, one upper case, one lower case and one special character; and customInstallationPath should be a valid Windows path where the package will be installed (this will work only for Windows operating systems). customGroupId should be a string representing the ID of the custom group entity where the new endpoint should be deployed for the Computers and Virtual Machines View.

vmsCustomGroupId should be a string representing the ID of the custom group entity where the new endpoint should be deployed for the Virtual Machines View. All values are optional.




An object containing the roles to be enabled or disabled:

  • relay with the following possible values: 1 for enabling the Relay role, and 0 to disable it. By default, the Relay role is disabled.

  • exchange with the following possible values: 1 for enabling the Exchange role, and 0 to disable it. By default, the Exchange role is disabled. This role is available only with a valid Security for Exchange license.




An object containing installation options:

  • type, an integer indicating the entity to which the endpoint will connect to. This entity will deliver the installation kit and updates. Possible values are: 1 for regular deploy from the Bitdefender Update Server; 2 for deployments through a Relay.

  • relayId, a string representing the ID of an endpoint with the Relay role enabled. This field must be set when the type option is set to 2, meaning deploying using a Relay.

  • useCustomCommunicationServer, a boolean allowing you to choose if the endpoint will communicate with a specific communication server appliance. Possible values are: True to specify a specific communication server appliance, False to use the default communication server appliance. This option may be set when the deploy option is 1, meaning regular deploy.

  • communicationServer, a string containing the IP or hostname of the custom communication server appliance. This option must be set only when useCustomCommunicationServer is set to True.

  • useCommunicationProxy, a boolean allowing you to specify if the endpoint will use a proxy to communicate over the Internet. Possible values are True to use a communication proxy, False otherwise.

  • proxyServer, a string representing the IP or domain name of the proxy server. Valid values are IP addresses in IPV4 or IPV6 format and domain names as defined under RFC 1035. This option is required when useCommunicationProxy is set to True.

  • proxyPort, an integer representing the port which allows access to the proxy server. Valid values are between 1 and 65535. This option is required when useCommunicationProxy is set to True.

  • proxyUsername, a string representing the username required for authentication with the proxy server. This option may be omitted if the proxy server does not require authentication.

  • proxyPassword, a string representing the password required for authentication on the proxy server. This option may be omitted if the proxy server does not require authentication.




This parameter determines the operation mode of the security agent. Possible values:

  • 0 - for Detection and prevention mode, default for full endpoint security agents.

  • 3 - for EDR (Report only) mode, default for Bitdefender EDR agents.

For additional information, refer to Parameter Info.

Parameter Info

  • Bitdefender EDR users can only create EDR (Report only) packages; specifying productType is optional.

  • GravityZone BS / ABS / Elite and Enterprise users can only create Detection and prevention packages; specifying productType is optional.

  • GravityZone Ultra users can create both EDR (Report only) and Detection and prevention packages; productType must be specified to create an EDR (Report only) package.

  • The EDR (Report only) package includes by default a set of predefined parameters that will overwrite user-specified options. Predefined parameters:

    • modules

      • edrSensor - true

      • contentControl - true

      • networkAttackDefense - true

      • advancedThreatControl - true

      • other modules - false

    • scanMode - n/a

    • settings.removeCompetitors - false

    • settings.scanBeforeInstall - false

    • - false

Return value

This method returns a Boolean which is True if the package was successfully updated.



     "params": {
       "packageId": "652feab6b9684f3ba80685d5"
       "packageName": "a unique name",
       "companyId": "54a1a1d3b1a43d2b347b23c1",
       "description": "package description",
       "language": "en_EN",
       "modules": {
           "advancedThreatControl": 1,
           "firewall": 0,
           "userControl": 1,
           "antiphishing": 1,
           "trafficScan": 1,
           "deviceControl": 0,
           "powerUser": 1,
           "edrSensor": 1,
           "advancedAntiExploit": 1,
           "containerProtection": 1,
           "encryption": 0,
           "patchManagement": 0,
           "networkAttackDefense": 1,
           "integrityMonitoring": 1
       "scanMode": {
           "type": 2,
           "computers": {
               "main": 1,
               "fallback": 2
           "vms": {
               "main": 2
           "ec2": {
               "main": 1,
               "fallback": 2
       "settings": {
           "uninstallPassword": "mys3cre3tP@assword",
           "removeCompetitors": 1,
           "customInstallationPath": "c:\\mypath\\bitdefender",
           "customGroupId": "5a4dff50b1a43ded0a7b23c8"
       "roles": {
           "relay": 0,
       "deploymentOptions": {
           "type": 2,
           "relayId": "54a1a1s3b1a43e2b347s23c1",
           "useCommunicationProxy": true,
           "proxyServer": "",
           "proxyPort": 123
       "productType": 0
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "method": "updatePackage",
     "id": "426db9bb-e92a-4824-a21b-bba6b62d0a18"


     "id": "426db9bb-e92a-4824-a21b-bba6b62d0a18",
     "jsonrpc": "2.0",
     "result": true