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This method retrieves information about the configuration of a specific package identified through the provided ID.


The atc module is deprecated and it will be removed from API in the near future.









The ID of the package for which details should be retrieved.

Return value

This method returns an Object containing information about the packages. The response object contains:

  • packageName - the name of the package.

  • description - the description of the package.

  • language - the language of the package in the LL_CC format, where LL and CC are landugage and country international codes.

  • modules - indicating the status of the modules present in the package. The object may contain the following members: antimalware, advancedThreatControl and atc, firewall, contentControl, userControl, antiphishing, trafficScan, deviceControl, powerUser, containerProtection, applicationControl, advancedAntiExploit, encryption, patchManagement, edrSensor, networkAttackDefense, . The value for each module is either 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled).


    The contentControl setting is deprecated. It will show as enabled if userControl, antiphishing, and trafficScan are all set as enabled, otherwise it will show disabled.

  • scanMode - an object describing the scan mode settings and containing the following fields:

    • type, with the following values 1 (automatic) or 2 (for custom mode)

    • computers, an object with the possible fields: main for the main scanning engine and fallback for the fallback scanning engine. The values of these fields can be 1 - Central Scanning with Security Server, 2 - Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines) or 3 - Local Scanning (Full Engines)

    • vms, an object with the possible fields: main for the main scanning engine and fallback for the fallback scanning engine. The values of these fields can be 1 - Central Scanning with Security Server, 2 - Hybrid Scanning (Light Engines) or 3 - Local Scanning (Full Engines)

  • settings - an object with other settings of the package containing the following fields:

    • scanBeforeInstall

    • removeCompetitors

    • customInstallationPath

    • customGroupId

    • vmsCustomGroupId

  • roles - an object containing the enabled/disabled roles:

    • relay with the following possible values: 1 if enabled and 0 if disabled.

    • exchange with the following possible values: 1 if enabled, and 0 if disabled.

  • deploymentOptions - an object containing installation options:

    • type, an integer indicating the entity to which the endpoint will connect to. This entity will deliver the installation kit and updates. Possible values are: 1 for regular deploy from the Bitdefender Update Server; 2 for deployments through a Relay.

    • relayId, a string representing the ID of an endpoint with the Relay role enabled. This field is returned if type option is set to 2, meaning deploying using a Relay.

    • useCustomCommunicationServer, a boolean specifying whether the endpoint communicates with a specific communication server appliance.

    • communicationServer, a string containing the IP or hostname of the custom communication server appliance. This option is returned only when useCustomCommunicationServer is set to True.

    • useCommunicationProxy, a boolean specifying whether the endpoint uses a proxy to communicate over the Internet. Possible values are: True to use a communication proxy, False otherwise.

    • proxyServer, a string representing the IP or domain name of the proxy server. Valid values are IP addresses in IPV4 or IPV6 format and domain names as defined under RFC 1035. This option is present when useCommunicationProxy is set to True.

    • proxyPort, an integer representing the port which allows access to the proxy server. Valid values are between 1 and 65535. This option is present when useCommunicationProxy is set to True.

    • proxyUsername, a string representing the username required for authentication with the proxy server. This option may be omitted if the proxy server does not require authentication.

  • productType - the assigned product type. This field determines the operation mode of the security agent. Possible values:

    • 0, for Detection and prevention

    • 3, for EDR (Report only)



    "id": "787b5e36-89a8-4353-88b9-6b7a32e9c87f",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "getPackageDetails",
    "params": {
         "packageId": "5a37b660b1a43d99117b23c6"


    "id": "787b5e36-89a8-4353-88b9-6b7a32e9c87f",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
       "packageName": "Package",
       "description": "package description",
       "language": "en_US",
       "modules": {
           "antimalware": 1,
           "advancedThreatControl": 1,
           "atc": 1,
           "firewall": 0,
           "userControl" 1,
           "antiphishing": 0,
           "trafficScan": 1,
           "deviceControl": 0,
           "powerUser": 0,
           "containerProtection": 0,
           "applicationControl": 0,
           "advancedAntiExploit": 0,
           "encryption": 0,
           "patchManagement": 0,
           "edrSensor": 0,
       "roles": {
              "relay": 1,
              "exchange": 0
       "scanMode": {
          "type": 2,
          "computers": {
              "main": 1,
              "fallback": 2
          "vms": {
              "main": 2
       "settings": {
          "scanBeforeInstall": false,
          "removeCompetitors": true,
          "customInstallationPath": "c:\\mypath\\bitdefender",
          "customGroupId": "5a4dff50b1a43ded0a7b23c8",
          "vmsCustomGroupId": "5a4dff50b1a43ded0a7b23c7"
       "deploymentOptions": {
          "type": 1,
          "useCommunicationProxy": true,
          "proxyServer": "",
          "proxyPort": 123,
          "proxyUsername": "user"
          "useCustomCommunicationServer": true,
          "communicationServer": ""
       "productType": 0