This section provides examples of Spam words to be used in the Bitdefender Security for Exchange Content Control module.
Bitdefender Security for Exchange Content Control can scan incoming emails to determine if they should be delivered to the Inbox or Spam folder. The protection can be enhanced by adding a Content Filtering rule, containing words that are typically found in spam emails.
Examples of such words/phrases:
, $$$
, 100% free
, bad credit
, bargain
, double your income
, extra income
, fast cash
, financial freedom
, join millions
, lose weight
, make money fast
, money making
, additional income
, be your own boss
, cash bonus
, earn $
, limited time offer
, save $
, serious cash
, additional income
, be your own boss
, double your income
, earn extra cash
, earn per week
, expect to earn
, extra income
, income from home
, make $
, F r e e
, meet singles
, score with babes
, dig up dirt on friends
, Viagra
Be advised that adding some phrases may cause false positives. To avoid marking the legit email as spam, as an example, the rule can be added for incoming emails only.