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This method returns network inventory items.


This method has been updated to version 1.1. For information applicable to version 1.0, refer to this section.









The ID of the target company or group. If not specified, the default value applies.

Default value: the ID of the company that the API key used to make the request belongs to.




The filters you want to use when querying the endpoints list.

You can find a full list of available filters and instructions on how to use them, under Available Filters.




The results page number.

Default page number is 1.




Number of items per page to be returned. Possible values: 1 - 1000.

Default value: 30 items per page.




Use this set of options that to control what information is included in the request.

For more information, refer to Available Options.

Available Options

You can use the options parameter to control what data is returned in the response.







  • returnAllProducts - if true, information about all the products of the given company will also be present in the response.

    Default value: False.



  • returnProductOutdated - if true, information about the update status of all the endpoints of a given company will be present in the response. This parameter is optional. Default value: False.

  • includeScanLogs - If true, the lastSuccessfulScan attribute is included in the API response.

    Default value: false.

Available filters



Filtering Options


  • companies - a Boolean to filter all companies. Default value: False.

  • companyFolders - a Boolean to filter all folders containing companies. Default value: False.

  • groups - a Boolean to filter all custom groups of endpoints. Default value: False.

  • ec2Instances - a Boolean to filter all Amazon EC2 Instances. Default value: False.

  • computers - a Boolean to filter all computers. Default value: False.

  • virtualMachines - a Boolean to filter all virtual machines. Default value: False.



  • managedWithBest - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with the security agent installed on them. Default value: False.

  • isContainerHost - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with container host protection installed on them. Default value: False.

    This filter is available for computers and virtualmachines services.

  • managedExchangeServers - a Boolean to filter all protected Exchange servers. Default value: False.

    This filter requires a valid license key that covers the security service.

  • managedRelays - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with Relay role. Default value: False.

  • securityServers - a Boolean to filter all Security Servers. Default value: False.


  • allItemsRecursively - a Boolean to filter all endpoints recursively within the Network Inventory of a company. Default value: False.


  • ssid - string, the SSID (Active Directory SID of the endpoint) used to filter the endpoints regardless of their protection status.

  • macs - array, the list of MAC addresses used to filter the endpoints regardless of their protection status.

  • subscriptionType - an Array of Integers representing the list of license subscription types to filter companies:

    1 - companies with trial license,

    2 - companies with yearly license and Partner companies having a license key with monthly billing,

    3 - companies with monthly subscription,

    4 - companies with monthly license trial,

    5 - companies with monthly subscription trial

  • companyType - an Integer that filters companies by their relation with Bitdefender:

    0 - partner companies,

    1 - customer companies

  • name - a String for filtering the items by name. Minimum required string length is three characters.


Some filters require a specific license to be active, otherwise they are ignored, resulting in an inaccurate API response.

The field name works with partial matching.

The filter returns the items whose names are exact match or start with the specified value. To use the specified value as a suffix, use the asterisk symbol (*).

For example:

If name is computer, the API returns all items whose names start with computer.

If name is *puter, then the API returns a list of all items that contain puter in their names.

Return value

This method returns an Object containing information about the network items. The returned object contains:

  • page - the page currently displayed.

  • pagesCount - the total number of pages. This information is displayed only on the first page of results.

  • perPage - the total number of items returned per page.

  • total - the total number of items. This information is displayed only on the first page of results.

  • hasMoreRecords - a boolean that Indicates if more pages of results are available.

  • items - an array containing the list of items. Each entry in the list has the following fields:

    • id, the ID of the network item.

    • name, the name of the network item.

    • parentId, the ID of the parent container.

    • companyId, the ID of the parent company.

    • type, the type of network item: 1 - Company, 2 - Root Container (Companies and Network containers), 3 - Company Folder, 4 - Group, 5 - Computer, 6 - Virtual Machine, 7 - EC2 Instance, 14 - Containers Group, 15 - Container Host Folder, 16 - Container.

    • details, more information about the item. This field is available for 1 - Companies, 5 - Computers, 6 - Virtual Machines, 7 - EC2 Instances and 16 - Containers.

      For information regarding the content of the details member please refer to The details member.

The details member

Some network inventory items contain a details member. This member exposes more information regarding the item. The information depends on the item type.

Item type


1 (company)

  • type - the company type: 0 for Partner, 1 for Customer

  • address - the physical address of the company

  • phone - the phone number of the company

  • canBeManagedByAbove - a Boolean indicating if the Partner can manage the security of that company

  • isSuspended - a Boolean informing whether the company account is suspended or not.

  • createdAt - a String representing the UTC date and time when the company was created.

  • licenseInfo - an Object containing information about the license subscription of the company:

    • subscriptionType - the company's subscription type: 1 for trial subscription, 2 for licensed subscription, 3 for monthly subscription, 4 for monthly license trial, 5 for monthly subscription trial, 6 for FRAT subscription

    • isAddon - whether the product is an add-on

    • expiryDate - the license expiry date

    • usedSlots - the number of used seats

    • totalSlots - the number of total seats for licensed subscriptions, or the number of reserved seats for child companies that inherited a monthly license from their parent company.

    • licenseKey - the license key for trial or licensed subscriptions.

    • endSubscription - the subscription end date. This option is available for companies with monthly subscription.

    • autoRenewPeriod - the subscription auto renewal period in months. This option is available for companies with monthly subscription.

    • manageExchange - True if the company is allowed to manage the Security for Exchange feature, false otherwise

    • manageEncryption - True if the company is allowed to manage the Full Disk Encryption feature, false otherwise

    • manageRemoteEnginesScanning - True if the company is allowed to manage the Security for Virtualized Environments feature, false otherwise


      This parameter can not be used if any of the manageRemoteEnginesScanning and manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.

    • manageHyperDetect - True if the company is allowed to manage the HyperDetect feature, false otherwise

    • manageSandboxAnalyzer - True if the company is allowed to manage the Sandbox Analyzer feature, false otherwise

    • managePatchManagement - True if the company is allowed to manage the Patch Management feature, false otherwise

    • manageEventCorrelator - True if the company is allowed to manage the Endpoint Detection and Response feature, false otherwise.

    • manageEmailSecurity - True if the company is allowed to manage the Email Security feature, false otherwise.

    • manageMobileSecurity - True if the company is allowed to manage the Mobile Security feature, false otherwise.

    • manageContainerProtection - True if the company is allowed to manage the Container Protection feature, false otherwise.


      This parameter can not be used if any of the manageContainerProtection and manageContainerProtectionResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.

    • manageIntegrityMonitoring - True if the company is allowed to manage the Integrity Monitoring feature, false otherwise.

    • imDataRetention - an integer representing the number of days the events will be stored for. It is only returned if manageIntegrityMonitoring is true. Possible values: 0 (7 days retention), 1 (90 days retention), 2 (180 days retention), 3 (1 year retention).

    • ownUse, an object containing activation settings for the company's services and add-ons.

      • manageXDRIdentityProviders, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Azure AD and Active Directory integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRProductivityApps, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Office 365 integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRNetwork, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Network Sensor integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRCloudWorkloads, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate AWS integration in Sensors Management.


        If any of the manageXDRIdentityProviders, manageXDRProductivityApps, manageXDRNetwork or manageXDRCloudWorkloads parameters are set as true, XDR is activated for the company.

      • manageRemoteEnginesScanning, optional, indicates if Security for Virtualized Environments is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageEventCorrelator, optional, indicates if Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageSandboxAnalyzer, optional, indicates if Sandbox Analyzer is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageHyperDetect, optional, indicates if HyperDetect is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • resell, an object containing the company's reselling settings for services and add-ons.

      • manageXDRResell - a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to sell the eXtended Detection and Response service to customers.

      • manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Security for Virtualized Environments to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageEventCorrelatorResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageSandboxAnalyzerResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Sandbox Analyzer to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageHyperDetectResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell HyperDetect to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • licensedServices, an object containing service settings for the company.

      • mdrServiceFlavor, an integer representing which MDR Service Flavor is enabled for the company's own use. Possible values: 1 for Foundations. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrServiceStatus, an integer representing MDR status. Possible values: 1 for Active, 2 for Inactive, 3 for Onboarding, 4 for Switching, 5 for Disabling. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrStatusStartDate, the service start date. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrServiceResell, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to resell MDR services to the companies it creates.

    • minimumUsage - An Object containing types of licenses and the minimum number of slots which the company commits through legal agreement to use on a monthly basis:

      • endpointMonthlyUsage, the minimum number of endpoints that the client agreed to use from the main license.

    • assignedProductType - The type of product assigned to the company:

      • 0, for Endpoint Security

      • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • additionalProductTypes - An array of the product types that can be assigned to child companies:

      • 0, for Endpoint Security

      • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • assignedProtectionModel - A string representing the type of the protection model that the company will use.

      • aLaCarte

      • mspSecure

      • mspSecurePlus

      • mspSecureExtra

      This parameter is only returned when all the following conditions are met:

      • type = 3 (monthly security)

      • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security)

    • additionalProtectionModels - an array of strings representing types of protection models. This parameter allows Partner companies to assign additional protection models to their clients apart from the ones provided by the assignedProtectionModel object.

      • aLaCarte

      • mspSecure

      • mspSecurePlus

      • mspSecureExtra

      This parameter is returned when one of these conditions are met:

      • assignedProductType = 3 (Bitdefender EDR), additionalProductType must include 0 (Endpoint Security), and type = 3 (monthly security).

      • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security), type = 3 (monthly subscription).

    • reservedSlots - the number of total seats reserved for child companies. This option is available for Partner companies with monthly license.

    • additionalLicenses - Only present, if the company has multiple products (addons or base licenses) assigned. Array containing information about the addons and the main licenses assigned to the given company:

      • expiryDate, the license expiry date. If the product is an addon, this information is not available.

      • usedSlots, the number of used seats. If the product is an addon, this information is available only if the addon type is "Email Security" .

      • licenseKey, the license key for trial or licensed subscriptions.

      • isAddon, whether the product is an addon or a base license

  • country - a String representing the country code in ISO 3166 format. If the code is not specified, the String has the value N/A

  • state - a String representing the country state code in ISO 3166 format. If the code is not specified, the String has the value N/A

  • contactPerson - an Object containing the details of the contact person:

    • fullName, their first name and surname

    • email, their business email address

    • phoneNumber, their business phone number

    • companyRole, their position in the company

  • customFields - an Object containing the custom fields values for the company:

    • custom field name 1, custom field value 1

    • custom field name 2, custom field value 2

5(computer), 6(virtual machine) and 7(EC2 Instance)

  • label, the label set to the endpoint

  • fqdn, the FQDN of the endpoint

  • groupId, the group ID of the endpoint

  • isManaged, boolean True, if this endpoint is managed

  • machineType, the type of the machine: (1 - computer, 2 - virtual machine, 3 - EC2 Instance, 0 - Other)

  • operatingSystemVersion, the OS version of the endpoint

  • ip, the IP address of the endpoint

  • macs, the list of MAC addresses of the endpoint

  • ssid, the Active Directory SID of the endpoint

  • managedWithBest, boolean True, if BEST is installed on this endpoint

  • isContainerHost, boolean True, if this endpoint is a Container Host

  • managedExchangeServer, boolean True, if this endpoint is an Exchange Server

  • managedRelay, boolean True, if this endpoint has Relay role

  • securityServer, boolean True, if this endpoint is a Security Server

  • policy - an Object informing about the policy active on the endpoint. The object contains the following fields:

    • id, a String uniquely identifying the active policy

    • name, the name of the policy

    • applied, a Boolean set to True if the policy is currently applied on the endpoint

  • movingInfo - an Object informing upon endpoint transfer from one company to another one. The object contains:

    • state, the endpoint moving status (0 - in progress, 1 - moved)

    • destinationCompanyName, the name of the company where the endpoint was moved.

  • modules - an Object informing of the installed modules and their statuses. The fields have Boolean values, True - if the module is enabled, or False - if the module is disabled. The available fields are:

    • advancedThreatControl

    • antimalware

    • contentControl

    • deviceControl

    • firewall

    • powerUser

    • encryption

    • edrSensor

    • hyperDetect

    • patchManagement

    • relay

    • sandboxAnalyzer

    • exchange

    • advancedAntiExploit

    • containerProtection

    • networkAttackDefense

    • integrityMonitoring

  • productOutdated - a Boolean specifying if the security agent on an individual endpoint is up to date. Possible values:

    • true, the agent deployed on the endpoint is up to date.

    • false, the latest version of the agent is not installed on the endpoint.

  • lastSuccessfulScan, object. Includes the following details:

    • name - the name of the scan.

    • date - the date on which the scan was performed.



       "params": {
           "parentId": "23b19c39b1a43d89367b32ce",
           "page": 1,
           "perPage": 3,
           "filters": {
               "type": {
                   "companies": true,
                   "computers": true
               "depth": {
                   "allItemsRecursively": true
           "options": {
               "companies": {
                   "returnAllProducts": true
               "endpoints": {
                   "returnProductOutdated": true,
                   "includeScanLogs": true
       "jsonrpc": "2.0",
       "method": "getNetworkInventoryItems",
       "id": "301f7b05-ec02-481b-9ed6-c07b97de2b7b"


  "result": {
    "total": 8,
    "page": 1,
    "perPage": 30,
    "pagesCount": 1,
    "hasMoreRecords": true,
    "items": [
        "id": "64b51d5266333579d804e696",
        "name": "MSPPartner01",
        "type": 1,
        "parentId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc7",
        "companyId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4",
        "details": {
          "type": 0,
          "address": "",
          "phone": "",
          "industry": 0,
          "canBeManagedByAbove": true,
          "enforce2FA": true,
          "skip2FAPeriod": 0,
          "isSuspended": false,
          "createdAt": "2023-07-17T10:52:02",
          "country": "N/A",
          "state": "N/A",
          "contactPerson": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "fullName": "",
            "phoneNumber": "",
            "companyRole": ""
          "licenseInfo": {
            "isAddon": false,
            "expiryDate": "2025-04-22T00:00:00",
            "usedSlots": 2,
            "reservedSlots": 0,
            "totalSlots": null,
            "manageExchange": false,
            "manageEncryption": false,
            "manageRemoteEnginesScanning": false,
            "manageHyperDetect": true,
            "manageSandboxAnalyzer": true,
            "managePatchManagement": false,
            "manageEventCorrelator": true,
            "manageEmailSecurity": false,
            "manageMobileSecurity": false,
            "manageContainerProtection": false,
            "manageIntegrityMonitoring": false,
            "assignedProtectionModel": "mspSecureExtra",
            "additionalProtectionModels": [
            "assignedProductType": 0,
            "additionalProductTypes": [
            "ownUse": {
              "manageXDRIdentityProviders": true,
              "manageXDRProductivityApps": true,
              "manageXDRNetwork": false,
              "manageXDRCloudWorkloads": false,
              "manageRemoteEnginesScanning": false,
              "manageContainerProtection": false,
              "manageHyperDetect": true,
              "manageSandboxAnalyzer": true,
              "manageEventCorrelator": true
            "resell": {
              "manageXDRResell": true,
              "manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell": false,
              "manageContainerProtectionResell": false,
              "manageHyperDetectResell": true,
              "manageSandboxAnalyzerResell": true,
              "manageEventCorrelatorResell": true
            "licensedServices": {
              "mdrServiceFlavor": 1,
              "mdrServiceStatus": 3,
              "mdrStatusStartDate": "2023-07-17T10:52:03",
              "mdrServiceResell": true
            "subscriptionType": 3
        "id": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc9",
        "name": "Custom Groups",
        "type": 4,
        "parentId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4",
        "companyId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4"
        "id": "64b51d5366333579d804e69c",
        "name": "Custom Groups",
        "type": 4,
        "parentId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696",
        "companyId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696"
        "id": "64b76496cc33ea14e43c3c2b",
        "name": "gfdsg00:16:3e:28:ee:fe",
        "type": 5,
        "parentId": "64b51d5366333579d804e69c",
        "companyId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696",
        "details": {
          "label": "",
          "fqdn": "",
          "groupId": "64b51d5366333579d804e69c",
          "isManaged": true,
          "machineType": 1,
          "operatingSystemVersion": "Windows 7 Professional",
          "ip": "",
          "macs": [
          "ssid": "",
          "managedWithBest": true,
          "policy": {
            "id": "64b76bed92f0176fa203b64c",
            "name": "New Policy",
            "applied": false
          "productOutdated": false
        "lastSuccessfulScan": {
          "name": "tXoRyyCSLn",
          "date": "2023-07-19T04:18:58+00:00"
        "id": "64b51ecd4eea172c5b3f92d1",
        "name": "string00:16:3e:2c:45:da",
        "type": 5,
        "parentId": "64b51d5366333579d804e69c",
        "companyId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696",
        "details": {
          "label": "",
          "fqdn": "",
          "groupId": "64b51d5366333579d804e69c",
          "isManaged": true,
          "machineType": 1,
          "operatingSystemVersion": "Windows 7 Professional",
          "ip": "",
          "macs": [
          "ssid": "",
          "managedWithBest": true,
          "policy": {
            "id": "64b76bed92f0176fa203b64c",
            "name": "New Policy",
            "applied": false
          "productOutdated": false
        "lastSuccessfulScan": {
          "name": "lJeA5kuIWK",
          "date": "2023-07-17T10:58:05+00:00"
        "id": "64b7625d3c11463ef77e5d6d",
        "name": "string00:16:3e:7f:d3:2e",
        "type": 5,
        "parentId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc9",
        "companyId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4",
        "details": {
          "label": "",
          "fqdn": "",
          "groupId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc9",
          "isManaged": true,
          "machineType": 1,
          "operatingSystemVersion": "Windows 7 Professional",
          "ip": "",
          "macs": [
          "ssid": "",
          "managedWithBest": true,
          "policy": {
            "id": "64b76bed92f0176fa203b64c",
            "name": "New Policy",
            "applied": false
          "productOutdated": false
        "lastSuccessfulScan": {
          "name": "72OHI5dnIH",
          "date": "2023-07-19T04:09:29+00:00"
        "id": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bca",
        "name": "Deleted",
        "type": 4,
        "parentId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4",
        "companyId": "64b503c21ecee42e130a7bc4"
        "id": "64b51d5366333579d804e69d",
        "name": "Deleted",
        "type": 4,
        "parentId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696",
        "companyId": "64b51d5266333579d804e696"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "5986",
  "error": null
  "result": {
    "page": 2,
    "perPage": 3,
    "hasMoreRecords": true,
    "items": [
      "...": "..."

Version 1.0









The ID of the target company or group. If not specified, the method returns items that are in the targets of the company linked to the API key.




The filters to be used when querying the endpoints list. For information regarding the available filters and how to use them, refer to Available Filters.




The results page number. Default page number is 1.




Number of items per page to be returned. The upper limit is 100 items per page. Default value: 30 items per page.




A set of options that can be specified in order to control what information is present in the request. For information regarding the available filters and how to use them, refer to Available Options.

Available Options

You can use the options parameter to control what data is returned in the response.





  • returnAllProducts - if true, information about all the products of the given company will also be present in the response. This parameter is optional. Default value: False.


  • returnProductOutdated - if true, information about the update status of all the endpoints of a given company will be present in the response. This parameter is optional. Default value: False.

  • includeScanLogs - If true, the lastSuccessfulScan attribute is included in the API response. This parameter is optional. Default value: false.

Available filters



Filtering Options


  • companies - a Boolean to filter all companies. Default value: False.

  • companyFolders - a Boolean to filter all folders containing companies. Default value: False.

  • groups - a Boolean to filter all custom groups of endpoints. Default value: False.

  • ec2Instances - a Boolean to filter all Amazon EC2 Instances. Default value: False.

  • computers - a Boolean to filter all computers. Default value: False.

  • virtualMachines - a Boolean to filter all virtual machines. Default value: False.



  • managedWithBest - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with the security agent installed on them. Default value: False.

  • isContainerHost - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with container host protection installed on them. Default value: False.

    This filter is available for computers and virtualmachines services.

  • managedExchangeServers - a Boolean to filter all protected Exchange servers. Default value: False.

    This filter requires a valid license key that covers the security service.

  • managedRelays - a Boolean to filter all endpoints with Relay role. Default value: False.

  • securityServers - a Boolean to filter all Security Servers. Default value: False.


  • allItemsRecursively - a Boolean to filter all endpoints recursively within the Network Inventory of a company. Default value: False.


  • ssid - string, the SSID (Active Directory SID of the endpoint) used to filter the endpoints regardless of their protection status.

  • macs - array, the list of MAC addresses used to filter the endpoints regardless of their protection status.

  • subscriptionType - an Array of Integers representing the list of license subscription types to filter companies:

    1 - companies with trial license,

    2 - companies with yearly license and Partner companies having a license key with monthly billing,

    3 - companies with monthly subscription,

    4 - companies with monthly license trial,

    5 - companies with monthly subscription trial

  • companyType - an Integer that filters companies by their relation with Bitdefender:

    0 - partner companies,

    1 - customer companies

  • name - a String for filtering the items by name. Minimum required string length is three characters.


Some filters require a specific license to be active, otherwise they are ignored, resulting in an inaccurate API response.

The field name works with partial matching.

The filter returns the items whose names are exact match or start with the specified value. To use the specified value as a suffix, use the asterisk symbol (*).

For example:

If name is computer, the API returns all items whose names start with computer.

If name is *puter, then the API returns a list of all items that contain puter in their names.

Return value

This method returns an Object containing information about the network items. The returned object contains:

  • page - the current page

  • pagesCount - the total number of pages

  • perPage - the total number of items returned per page

  • total - the total number of items

  • items - an array containing the list of items. Each entry in the list has the following fields:

    • id, the ID of the network item,

    • name, the name of the network item,

    • parentId, the ID of the parent container,

    • companyId, the ID of the parent company,

    • type, the type of network item: 1 - Company, 2 - Root Container (Companies and Network containers), 3 - Company Folder, 4 - Group, 5 - Computer, 6 - Virtual Machine, 7 - EC2 Instance, 14 - Containers Group, 15 - Container Host Folder, 16 - Container.

    • details, more information about the item. This field is available for 1 - Companies, 5 - Computers, 6 - Virtual Machines, 7 - EC2 Instances and 16 - Containers. For information regarding the content of the details member please refer to The details member.

The details member

Some network inventory items contain a details member. This member exposes more information regarding the item. The information depends on the item type.

Item type


1 (company)

  • type - the company type: 0 for Partner, 1 for Customer

  • address - the physical address of the company

  • phone - the phone number of the company

  • canBeManagedByAbove - a Boolean indicating if the Partner can manage the security of that company

  • isSuspended - a Boolean informing whether the company account is suspended or not.

  • createdAt - a String representing the UTC date and time when the company was created.

  • licenseInfo - an Object containing information about the license subscription of the company:

    • subscriptionType - the company's subscription type: 1 for trial subscription, 2 for licensed subscription, 3 for monthly subscription, 4 for monthly license trial, 5 for monthly subscription trial, 6 for FRAT subscription

    • isAddon - whether the product is an add-on

    • expiryDate - the license expiry date

    • usedSlots - the number of used seats

    • totalSlots - the number of total seats for licensed subscriptions, or the number of reserved seats for child companies that inherited a monthly license from their parent company.

    • licenseKey - the license key for trial or licensed subscriptions.

    • endSubscription - the subscription end date. This option is available for companies with monthly subscription.

    • autoRenewPeriod - the subscription auto renewal period in months. This option is available for companies with monthly subscription.

    • manageExchange - True if the company is allowed to manage the Security for Exchange feature, false otherwise

    • manageEncryption - True if the company is allowed to manage the Full Disk Encryption feature, false otherwise

    • manageRemoteEnginesScanning - True if the company is allowed to manage the Security for Virtualized Environments feature, false otherwise


      This parameter can not be used if any of the manageRemoteEnginesScanning and manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.

    • manageHyperDetect - True if the company is allowed to manage the HyperDetect feature, false otherwise

    • manageSandboxAnalyzer - True if the company is allowed to manage the Sandbox Analyzer feature, false otherwise

    • managePatchManagement - True if the company is allowed to manage the Patch Management feature, false otherwise

    • manageEventCorrelator - True if the company is allowed to manage the Endpoint Detection and Response feature, false otherwise.

    • manageEmailSecurity - True if the company is allowed to manage the Email Security feature, false otherwise.

    • manageMobileSecurity - True if the company is allowed to manage the Mobile Security feature, false otherwise.

    • manageContainerProtection - True if the company is allowed to manage the Container Protection feature, false otherwise.


      This parameter can not be used if any of the manageContainerProtection and manageContainerProtectionResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.

    • manageIntegrityMonitoring - True if the company is allowed to manage the Integrity Monitoring feature, false otherwise.

    • imDataRetention - an integer representing the number of days the events will be stored for. It is only returned if manageIntegrityMonitoring is true. Possible values: 0 (7 days retention), 1 (90 days retention), 2 (180 days retention), 3 (1 year retention).

    • ownUse, an object containing activation settings for the company's services and add-ons.

      • manageXDRIdentityProviders, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Azure AD and Active Directory integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRProductivityApps, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Office 365 integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRNetwork, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate Network Sensor integration in Sensors Management.

      • manageXDRCloudWorkloads, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to activate AWS integration in Sensors Management.


        If any of the manageXDRIdentityProviders, manageXDRProductivityApps, manageXDRNetwork or manageXDRCloudWorkloads parameters are set as true, XDR is activated for the company.

      • manageRemoteEnginesScanning, optional, indicates if Security for Virtualized Environments is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageEventCorrelator, optional, indicates if Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageSandboxAnalyzer, optional, indicates if Sandbox Analyzer is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageHyperDetect, optional, indicates if HyperDetect is activated for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • resell, an object containing the company's reselling settings for services and add-ons.

      • manageXDRResell - a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to sell the eXtended Detection and Response service to customers.

      • manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Security for Virtualized Environments to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageEventCorrelatorResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageSandboxAnalyzerResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell Sandbox Analyzer to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      • manageHyperDetectResell, optional, indicates if the company can sell HyperDetect to its customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • licensedServices, an object containing service settings for the company.

      • mdrServiceFlavor, an integer representing which MDR Service Flavor is enabled for the company's own use. Possible values: 1 for Foundations. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrServiceStatus, an integer representing MDR status. Possible values: 1 for Active, 2 for Inactive, 3 for Onboarding, 4 for Switching, 5 for Disabling. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrStatusStartDate, the service start date. This parameter is missing if the company doesn't have MDR for own use.

      • mdrServiceResell, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to resell MDR services to the companies it creates.

    • minimumUsage - An Object containing types of licenses and the minimum number of slots which the company commits through legal agreement to use on a monthly basis:

      • endpointMonthlyUsage, the minimum number of endpoints that the client agreed to use from the main license.

    • assignedProductType - The type of product assigned to the company:

      • 0, for Endpoint Security

      • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • additionalProductTypes - An array of the product types that can be assigned to child companies:

      • 0, for Endpoint Security

      • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

      The parameter is returned only when subscriptionType has one of these values:

      • 3, for monthly subscription

      • 5, for monthly subscription trial

    • assignedProtectionModel - A string representing the type of the protection model that the company will use.

      • aLaCarte

      • mspSecure

      • mspSecurePlus

      • mspSecureExtra

      This parameter is only returned when all the following conditions are met:

      • type = 3 (monthly security)

      • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security)

    • additionalProtectionModels - an array of strings representing types of protection models. This parameter allows Partner companies to assign additional protection models to their clients apart from the ones provided by the assignedProtectionModel object.

      • aLaCarte

      • mspSecure

      • mspSecurePlus

      • mspSecureExtra

      This parameter is returned when one of these conditions are met:

      • assignedProductType = 3 (Bitdefender EDR), additionalProductType must include 0 (Endpoint Security), and type = 3 (monthly security).

      • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security), type = 3 (monthly subscription).

    • reservedSlots - the number of total seats reserved for child companies. This option is available for Partner companies with monthly license.

    • additionalLicenses - Only present, if the company has multiple products (addons or base licenses) assigned. Array containing information about the addons and the main licenses assigned to the given company:

      • expiryDate, the license expiry date. If the product is an addon, this information is not available.

      • usedSlots, the number of used seats. If the product is an addon, this information is available only if the addon type is "Email Security" .

      • licenseKey, the license key for trial or licensed subscriptions.

      • isAddon, whether the product is an addon or a base license

  • country - a String representing the country code in ISO 3166 format. If the code is not specified, the String has the value N/A

  • state - a String representing the country state code in ISO 3166 format. If the code is not specified, the String has the value N/A

  • contactPerson - an Object containing the details of the contact person:

    • fullName, their first name and surname

    • email, their business email address

    • phoneNumber, their business phone number

    • companyRole, their position in the company

  • customFields - an Object containing the custom fields values for the company:

    • custom field name 1, custom field value 1

    • custom field name 2, custom field value 2

5(computer), 6(virtual machine) and 7(EC2 Instance)

  • label, the label set to the endpoint

  • fqdn, the FQDN of the endpoint

  • groupId, the group ID of the endpoint

  • isManaged, boolean True, if this endpoint is managed

  • machineType, the type of the machine: (1 - computer, 2 - virtual machine, 3 - EC2 Instance, 0 - Other)

  • operatingSystemVersion, the OS version of the endpoint

  • ip, the IP address of the endpoint

  • macs, the list of MAC addresses of the endpoint

  • ssid, the Active Directory SID of the endpoint

  • managedWithBest, boolean True, if BEST is installed on this endpoint

  • isContainerHost, boolean True, if this endpoint is a Container Host

  • managedExchangeServer, boolean True, if this endpoint is an Exchange Server

  • managedRelay, boolean True, if this endpoint has Relay role

  • securityServer, boolean True, if this endpoint is a Security Server

  • policy - an Object informing about the policy active on the endpoint. The object contains the following fields:

    • id, a String uniquely identifying the active policy

    • name, the name of the policy

    • applied, a Boolean set to True if the policy is currently applied on the endpoint

  • movingInfo - an Object informing upon endpoint transfer from one company to another one. The object contains:

    • state, the endpoint moving status (0 - in progress, 1 - moved)

    • destinationCompanyName, the name of the company where the endpoint was moved.

  • modules - an Object informing of the installed modules and their statuses. The fields have Boolean values, True - if the module is enabled, or False - if the module is disabled. The available fields are:

    • advancedThreatControl

    • antimalware

    • contentControl

    • deviceControl

    • firewall

    • powerUser

    • encryption

    • edrSensor

    • hyperDetect

    • patchManagement

    • relay

    • sandboxAnalyzer

    • exchange

    • advancedAntiExploit

    • containerProtection

    • networkAttackDefense

    • integrityMonitoring

  • productOutdated - a Boolean specifying if the security agent on an individual endpoint is up to date. Possible values:

    • true, the agent deployed on the endpoint is up to date.

    • false, the latest version of the agent is not installed on the endpoint.

  • lastSuccessfulScan, object. Includes the following details:

    • name - the name of the scan.

    • date - the date on which the scan was performed.



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