The Risk Management Dashboard
The Risk Management page provides an overview of your network security and risk assessment information.

The data displayed on this page is organized in several widgets:
Company risk score
The overall risk score displays the level of risk your organization is exposed to by browser and operating system vulnerabilities, network and cloud misconfigurations, know vulnerabilities for currently installed applications and potential risks caused by identity activity and behavior.

Running an on-demand Risk Scan on a new target device will influence the overall score. The results will be kept for 90 days, or until the next scan.
Your total company risk score is the sum of the resource, identity, and industry risk score. Hover over the widget to get a breakdown of your company risk score:

Score breakdown
This widget provides a breakdown of your overall company risk score, along with the total number of unresolved common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) discovered in your environment, which have already been exploited at industry level.

For accurate information, make sure the industry assigned to the company in the My Company window is accurate.
Score over time
This widget is a histogram that displays the weekly evolution of your company risk score from the last seven days, until 12 AM (server time) of the current day.

Scanned resources and Scanned identities
These widgets inform you of how many resources and identities were scanned and monitored in order to gather the data currently displayed on the page.

Risk distribution
This widget provides a breakdown of the existing risks in your company, grouped per type:

Top findings
This widget displays the top 15 results for indicators that triggered a risk alert after scanning resources, ordered by the number of affected resources. Each card represents one indicator that has triggered a risk alert for at least one device.

Each card displays the following elements:
The indicator's name
The number of resources detected as vulnerable for this indicator
The severity for the current indicator of risk
If you click the individual indicator widget it will open the selected indicator of risk in the Findings page, where you may take appropriate actions to mitigate this risk.
If you click the View All button you will view the entire list of findings in the Findings page.
For more details on findings, refer to GravityZone Indicators of Risk.
Top vulnerable apps
This widget displays the top 15 results for known application vulnerabilities that triggered a risk alert after scanning resources, ordered by the number of affected resources. Each card represents one vulnerable application that raised a risk alert for at least one device.

Each card displays the following elements:
The application's name.
The number of resources made vulnerable by this application.
The severity for the vulnerable application.
If you click the individual app widget it will open the selected vulnerability in the Vulnerabilities page, where you may take appropriate actions to mitigate this risk.
If you click the View All button you will view the entire list of discovered application vulnerabilities in the Vulnerabilities page.
You can find details about known application vulnerabilities on the CVE Details website.
Top identity risks
This widget displays the top 15 results for potential risks caused by unintentional or reckless behavior of users active in your network, ordered by the number of vulnerable users. Each card represents a human based risk caused by at least one user.

If you click the individual human risk widget it will open the selected risk in the User behavior risks tab of page, where you may view and analyze it in more detail.
If you click the View All button you will view the entire list of all the discovered human risks generated by user activity in the User behavior risks page.
This new ERA feature is available as a preview version, enabling you only to view human-based risks, and to ignore them if they are irrelevant to your environment. More enhanced functionality will be added in the future.
See Identity risk data collection for more details on how we process user data.
Servers by severity
This widget shows a breakdown of all detected server risks, grouped per severity level.

If you click the View all button you will view the entire list of server type resources in the All resources smart view of the Resources page.
Workstations by severity
This widget shows a breakdown of all detected workstation risks, grouped per severity level.

If you click the View all button you will view the entire list of endpoint type resources in the All resources smart view of the Resources page.
Top resources at risk
This widget shows the most at risk 5 resources in your company.

If you click the View all button you will view the entire list of resources in the All resources smart view of the Resources page, ordered by risk score.
Hovering over an individual device within the widget displays its risk score breakdown.
Top identities at risk
This widget displays the most vulnerable identities in your environment, according to the overall score calculated after analyzing their behavior and activity.

If you click the View All button you will view the entire list of identities that may have been exposing your organization to potential threats through their behavior, in the Identities tab page.