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Onboarding for MSP partners

This guide is meant for Bitdefender Partner Companies that have monthly subscription licenses. If you are a new Partner, follow the procedure below and go through our onboarding process. Alternatively, you select any specific section you are interested in:

  1. Read our MSP Licensing Guide to familiarize yourself with our MSP licensing model.

  2. Log in to GravityZone for the first time.

  3. (Optional) Create a new GravityZone user to use for RMM or other types of integrations.

    Use it only to set up and keep track of integrations. Follow the procedure listed under this article to create a separate user and only use it for managing your integrations.

  4. Create or import a new Customer company.

  5. Set up and configure your managed company.

  6. Create a Customer new company for managing your own security.

    If you want to also manage the security for your own network, we recommend creating a separate company, and only using it for managing your own security.

    You can find the necessary steps for setting up and configuring your own company and protection under our onboarding guide.

  7. Create separate GravityZone users for generating and managing API keys and for for monitoring notifications

    When GravityZone user is deleted, all associated data, components, and history are deleted from the console, including API keys and notifications.

    To avoid this situation, we recommend creating two separate users, not linked to any employee:

    • Create a user to generate and keep track of API keys.

    • Create a user to receive, keep track of, and investigate notifications.

    Follow the procedure listed under this article to create a separate user.

  8. Go through our security monitoring and management guide and set up processes for performing these actions on your managed companies.

  9. Read our Changing a managed company's subscription as an MSP Partner guide to familiarize yourself with managing subscriptions.

  10. Learn how to Calculate the endpoint usage with the Monthly License Usage report.

  11. Read our Company management and provisioning guide for MSP partners to learn more about managing your Customer companies.