Sending events from GravityZone Cloud platform to SIEMs lacking HTTPS listeners
This article aims to help you install a connector between GravityZone and SIEM solutions that do not have HTTPS listeners for events.
Bitdefender GravityZone – the cloud platform, provides alerts about security events in CEF and JSON message standards. These alerts are sent through the Event Push Service.
The GravityZone APIs are exposed using JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol specified here. For details on GravityZone API, refer to the available documentation.
If your SIEM does not have any HTTP/HTTPS listeners, but supports a Syslog service, you need to install the GravityZone Event Push Service Connector.
The connector uses the POST method to receive authenticated and secured messages from the GravityZone Event Push Service. It parses the message and then forwards it to a local or a remote Syslog server. You can use the Syslog server to feed these messages to the SIEM.
To install the connector, follow these steps:
Check the prerequisites.
If you have a version of the GravityZone Event Event Push Service that has been set up manually before March 29th, 2022, remove its files from your system.
Add the repository to the APT sources list.
Install the DEB package.
If you receive a
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available
error message during the DEB package installation, download and install a digital signature for the package files:curl -sS | apt-key add -
Configure via bash script.
Enable system service.
Test the connector.
Configure GravityZone to send messages to the SIEM.
Check the prerequisites
Before proceeding any further, you need to meet the following prerequisites:
Linux basic knowledge
GravityZone cloud solution
A GravityZone API key that covers Event Push Service API
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server with the following configuration:
1 Gbit virtual NIC
This configuration can sustain an environment up to 15000 endpoints. The CPU and network usage will increase proportionally with the number of endpoints.
The SIEM receiving events from the event push requires a Public IP assigned for the GravityZone Event Push server to forward events to.
Install the connector
Connect to the Ubuntu 20.04 server.
Add the Bitdefender Connector repository to APT.
sudo echo "deb bitdefender non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
Install the DEB package.
sudo apt update sudo apt install gz-evpsc
Run the configuration script.
#Change the path to where the configuration script is located. cd /opt/bitdefender/gz-evpsc #Run the script with sudo permission sudo ./ <PORT> <SYSLOGPORT> <TRANSPORT> <TARGET> <AUTH> <CONFIG_FILENAME>
The port used by the event push service to access the HTTPS connector server.
The port used by the HTTPS connector server to send data to the SIEM.
The protocol used to transfer data.
The IP address of the SIEM.
The key used for authentication for accessing the SIEM through APIs.
This key must be different from the GravityZone API authentication key.
The name of the
cd /opt/bitdefender/gz-evpsc sudo ./ 3200 514 Tcp 'Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0' config.json
The connector needs to have a public IP address assigned for the GravityZone Event Push server to forward events to.
(optional) Add certificates paths to the
file.By default, the
script creates self signed certificates for the HTTPS connector server. For better security, certificates obtained from a certificate authority can be placed in the following files:/opt/bitdefender/gz-evpsc/api/config/server.key /opt/bitdefender/gz-evpsc/api/config/server.crt
Enable the system service
systemctl enable gz-evpsc
Start the system service
systemctl start gz-evpsc
Obtain the security certificate for authentication
The GravityZone cloud platform only sends Push Event messages to HTTPS capable connectors. For the connector service to function over HTTPS, and provide a secure communication with Bitdefender Cloud, you need to set it up to function with an SSL/TLS certificate.
By default, the
script creates self signed certificates for the HTTPS connector server. You can obtain an SSL/TLS certificate for this service in a few other ways:
From a trusted public Certificate Authority (CA)
We strongly recommend this method, since it will allow our Cloud servers to properly validate the identity the URL of the connector and avoid any man-in-the-middle attacks.
From your company’s internal PKI
We do not recommend this method, since the Bitdefender public cloud service is not be able to validate a certificate signed by a private CA.
Create a self-signed certificate
We strongly advise against this option. It does not provide any certificate validation methods and exposes the communication to man-in-the-middle attacks. This method should only be used for testing purposes and never in production environments.
Further on, you will need the sslkey.pem
and ssl.cer
files, signed by your CA of choice.
Test the connector
Use this HTTPS message example to test the connector you have just configured:
Event Push Service request header
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Event Push Service payload
{ "cef": "0", "events": [ "CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.08|70000|Registration|3| dvc=", "CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.0-8|35|Product ModulesStatus|5|BitdefenderGZModule=modules dvc=", "CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.0-8|35|Product ModulesStatus|5|BitdefenderGZModule=modules dvc=" ] }
Use the following
command to send the payload to the collector service:curl -k -H 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"cef": "0","events": ["CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.08|70000|Registration|3| dvc=","CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.0-8|35|Product ModulesStatus|5|BitdefenderGZModule=modules dvc=","CEF:0|Bitdefender|GravityZone|6.4.0-8|35|Product ModulesStatus|5|BitdefenderGZModule=modules dvc="]}' \ https://your_web_server_hostname_or_public_IP:port/api
Replace the authorization header and URL with the one configured above in the
file.The event should appear in your defined syslog server and as output of the running
Configure GravityZone to send messages to the SIEM
Now that the HTTPS collector service is running and listening for messages, you can
configure Control Center to send events to the above-defined URL: https://your_web_server_hostname_or_public_IP:port/api
All settings for Event Push Service API are configured via the setPushEventSettings
method. For detailed information about these settings, refer to Push.
Using your API key of choice, configure the API push events and the service URL where you want the messages delivered:
$ curl --tlsv1.2 -sS -k -X POST \ https://CONTROL_CENTER_APIs_ACCESS_URL/v1.0/jsonrpc/push \ -H 'authorization: Basic API_KEY_BASE64_ENCODED_WITH_COLON_APPENDED' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"id":"1","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"setPushEventSettings","params":{"serviceSettings":{"requireValidSslCertificate":false,"authorization":"Basic xxxxxxxxxx","url":" https://your_web_server_hostname_or_public_IP:port/api"},"serviceType":"cef","status":1,"subscribeToEventTypes":{"adcloudgz":true,"antiexploit":true,"aph":true,"av":true,"avc":true,"dp":true,"endpoint-moved-in":true,"endpoint-moved-out":true,"exchange-malware":true,"exchange-user-credentials":true,"fw":true,"hd":true,"hwid-change":true,"install":true,"modules":true,"network-monitor":true,"network-sandboxing":true,"new-incident":true,"ransomware-mitigation":true,"registration":true,"supa-update-status":true,"sva":true,"sva-load":true,"task-status":true,"troubleshooting-activity":true,"uc":true,"uninstall":true}}}'
When using a valid service certificate signed by a public CA, we recommend
setting "requireValidSslCertificate":true
, to force certificate validation. If you are using a self-signed certificate or a certificate signed by your internal CA, set "requireValidSslCertificate":false
Make sure to replace "authorization":"Basic xxxxxxxxxx"
and "url":" https://your_web_server_hostname_or_public_IP:port/api"
with the correct values for your server, as defined in the config.json
with the correct values for your GravityZone instance.
Once configured, wait about 10 minutes for the settings to take effect, and then make a
request using getPushEventSettings
$ curl --tlsv1.2 -sS -k -X POST \ https://CONTROL_CENTER_APIs_ACCESS_URL/v1.0/jsonrpc/push \ -H 'authorization: Basic API_KEY_BASE64_ENCODED' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"id":"3","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"getPushEventSettings","params":{}}'
The result should look like this:
{ "id": "2", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "serviceSettings": { "authorization": "********", "requireValidSslCertificate": false, "url": "https://your_web_server_hostname_or_public_IP:port/api" }, "serviceType": "cef", "status": 1, "subscribeToCompanies": null, "subscribeToEventTypes": { "adcloud": false, "antiexploit": true, "aph": true, "av": true, ………. "uninstall": true } } }
To send a test event, you can call the sendTestPushEvent
API method.
$ curl --tlsv1.2 -sS -k -X POST \ https://CONTROL_CENTER_APIs_ACCESS_URL/v1.0/jsonrpc/push \ -H 'authorization: Basic API_KEY_BASE64_ENCODED' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"id":"4","jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"sendTestPushEvent","params":{"eventType": "av"}}'
The result should look like this:
"id": "4",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"computer_name": "FC-WIN7-X64-01",
"computer_fqdn": "fc-win7-x64-01",
"computer_ip": "",
"computer_id": "59a1604e60369e06733f8abb",
"product_installed": "BEST",
"malware_type": "file",
"malware_name": "EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)",
"file_path": "C:\\eicar0000001.txt",
"hash": "8b3f191819931d1f2cef7289239b5f77c00b079847b9c2636e56854d1e5eff71",
"final_status": "deleted",
"timestamp": "2017-09-08T12:01:36.000Z",
"companyId": "5ac8460f8a799399a78b456c",
"module": "av",
"_testEvent_": true
The event should shortly show up in the Syslog server and in the server.js
Check the log files
You can find the log file here: