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IP whitelisting for ConnectWise Automate integration

The ConnectWise Automate integration with GravityZone uses a publicly accessible callback URL. To allow callback URL validation, you must whitelist in the firewall the following IP addresses and domains:





Ensure communication between ConnectWise Automate web server and the Bitdefender Plugin by allowing traffic to and from these addresses only on port 443. The port forwarding rules on the firewall must direct all inbound port 443 requests from any of these addresses to the ConnectWise Automate web server.

IP whitelisting for ConnectWise PSA integration via Automate plugin

The ConnectWise PSA integration uses a publicly accessible callback URL. To allow callback URL validation, you must whitelist in the firewall the following IP addresses and domains:



Ensure communication between ConnectWise Automate web server and the Bitdefender Plugin by allowing traffic to and from these addresses only on port 443. The port forwarding rules on the firewall must direct all inbound port 443 requests from any of these addresses to the ConnectWise Automate web server.