The Compliance feature provides you with an overview of the general compliance status of your organization’s endpoints relative to recognized standards. It offers access to a a list of individual control names, the sections they belong to, and the score assigned to each control. Additionally, it includes a feature for generating compliance reports with a single click.

The Smart views panel toggle button. This feature allows you to customize, save, and switch between different loadouts of the Compliance page.
The panel has the following sections:
Search views - Use this search field to filter out the views displayed in the sections below, by name.
Saved - This section displays a list of all your saved views that have not been marked as favorites.
Favorites - All views marked as favorites are displayed under this section.
Defaults - This section displays the views that are available by default:
Compliance Posture
For any view in the Saved or Favorites category, you can click the vertical ellipses
to Rename or Delete the view.
The View options menu. This section provides you with multiple functions for working with views:
Save - Save changes you make to a saved view.
Save as - Save a modified view under a different name.
Discard changes - Revert the saved view to its original state.
Add to favorites - Add the view to the Favorites category.
Show or hide filters - Hide or display the filters menu.
Open settings - Display the Settings panel.
You can use this panel to customize what columns are displayed in the view and enable or disable the Compact view.
The Compliance Overview. This section displays four key values that provide an immediate summary of your organization's compliance status in relation to the currently selected compliance standard. These values include:
Overall Compliance - Displays what percentage of the total number of verified checks have been found to be compliant.
Compliant Checks - Shows the total number of checks that have been verified and confirmed to meet compliance requirements.
Non-Compliant Checks - Indicates the total number of checks that have been verified but found not compliant.
Ignored Checks - Lists the total number of checks that have been manually flagged by the organization as exempt from risk score and compliance score calculation.
This information is based on the settings configured in the Filters section.
The Download report button. Clicking the button will display a confirmation window, where you can select the compliance standard for which you want to display data for and the format in which you want to generate the report:
Supported formats:
.The Filters section. You can use these options to customize the risks that are displayed in the below grid and in the Compliance overview section. The following filters are currently available:
Filter name
Select the name of the GravityZone company for which you want to display compliance data.
Compliance standard
Select the compliance standard for which you want to display data.
Select a score range between 1 and 100.
Only controls with a risk score between these values are displayed.
The Compliance grid . This section displays a list of all checks found under the compliance standard selected in the Filters section. The information available for each compliance is displayed under these columns:
Control name - The name of the control.
Control ID - The ID of the control.
Section name - The name of the section in the Compliance standard where the control can be found.
Section ID - The name of the section in the Compliance standard where the control can be found.
Score - The compliance score of the control.
Running a new Risk Scan on the company's endpoints may change existing score values.
Compliant - Indicates how many checks have been identified as compliant under the scope of the selected control.
Clicking on any line in the grid displays the Additional information side panel for the control displayed on that line.
To use the feature, you must meet the following requirements:
Your company has a valid license key that provides access to the Risk Management feature.
You have administrative privileges over the company's network.
You have access to the My company > Early access tab to select Compliance and enroll your company in the program.
Displaying additional information for a specific control
To view additional data on any specific control, click on the corresponding row in the Compliance page grid. A side panel will open, displaying further details about the selected control and how your company performed in verifying compliance with its requirements.
The side panel contains the following information:

The General section - provides key details about the selected control, including:
Standard - The compliance standard associated with the control.
Section Name - The section within the standard under which the control falls.
Score - The compliance score achieved for this specific control.
Checks Breakdown - A summary of all checks performed on the control, categorized by result - compliant, non-compliant, or ignored, giving insight into the distribution of compliance outcomes for this control.This information offers a concise view of your organization’s compliance performance relative to the specific requirements of each control.
The Description tab - Provides detailed information about the purpose and requirements of the selected control. This section includes, if available, specific instructions or guidelines necessary to meet compliance. This content helps clarify the intent of the control and provides actionable steps or recommendations for maintaining compliance with the selected standard.
The Risks tab - Offers insights into potential vulnerabilities or issues identified during compliance checks. This tab includes two areas:
Findings - Displays up to 10 findings generated from performing the compliance check on the company. A View all findings link is available to navigate to the Risk Management > Findings page, with filters applied to show all findings related to this control.
User Behavior Risks - Shows up to 10 user behavior-related risks associated with the compliance check. A View all risks link directs users to the Risk Management > Identities page, where filters are applied to display all user behavior risks tied to this control.
These sections allow users to quickly assess specific findings and behavior risks relevant to the control, with options for deeper exploration on dedicated pages.
The Affected assets tab - Provides an overview of all assets impacted by findings and user behavior risks associated with the selected control. This tab includes:
Resources - Displays a list of resources affected by findings related to this control. Clicking View all resources directs you to the Risk Management > Resources page, with filters applied to display only resources linked to these findings.
Identities - Shows a list of user identities affected by user behavior risks associated with this control. The View all identities link takes you to the Risk Management > Identities page, where filters are applied to display only identities related to these user behavior risks.
This tab provides a clear view of impacted assets, with options to explore detailed information on affected resources and identities through their respective pages.
Submitting feedback
Let us know your thoughts, by using the Feedback button available in the upper right corner of the Compliance page. Additionally, you can also use the feedback form available if you opt out of the program. We eagerly await and value your input on this feature.