BEST compatibility issues with PC-Sheriff
To resolve BEST / Endpoint Security compatibility issues with PC-Sheriff, follow these steps:
If BEST is already installed, uninstall it and reboot the computer.
Delete the following folders if they are present:
Program Files > Bitdefender
Program Files (x86) > Bitdefender
Program Files > Common Files > Bitdefender
Program Files (x86) > Common Files > Bitdefender
Program Data > Bitdefender
Program data > bdlogging
Install PC-sheriff and create an exclusion partition.
If you want to only install BEST, you must have at least 1.5GB of free space on the Exclusion Drive. If you want to install BEST with the Relay role, you must have at least 12GB of free space on the Exclusion Drive.
If you already have PC-Sherif installed with an Exclusion Drive, BEST can be found on the same Exclusion Drive if the space requirements are met.
Install BEST on the Exclusion Drive. You can do this by modifying the package in the GravityZone console by specifying a custom install location.
In the PC-Sheriff software add the following registry exclusions:
HKLM > SOFTWARE > Bitdefender
HKLM > System > CurrentControlSet > Services > vlflt
Update BEST
Make sure BEST is up to date, make subsequent updates.
If BEST makes a product update during the initial update and requires restart, you must Update Baseline from the PC-Sheriff software before restarting and Update Baseline again after restart.
Select Update Baseline from the PC-Sheriff software.
After each Bitdefender product update you must Update Baseline from the PC-Sheriff software.