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ConnectWise Asio integration

This section contains the release notes for the GravityZone integration with ConnectWise Asio. The integration guide is available here.

Version 2.0.0

Release date: 2023.02.14

  • Added support for installing Linux and macOS endpoints through the setup downloader.

  • Added support for uninstalling Linux endpoints in ConnectWise RMM. For macOS endpoints, you can use the uninstall task in GravityZone Control Center

Initial release notes

Release date: 2022.08.10

The GravityZone integration with ConnectWise RMM provides automation to Bitdefender security agent deployment. Through this integration, MSPs can enhance their customers’ security with Bitdefender advanced technologies, such as Full Disk Encryption, Sandbox Analyzer, and Endpoint Detection and Response.

The initial release of this integration includes the following features:

  • Inventory provisioning, referring to site mapping and creation.

  • Endpoint provisioning, which covers install, uninstall and presence detection for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit systems.