Sumo Logic
Configure Bitdefender GravityZone source for Sumo Logic
You can view Bitdefender GravityZone data in Sumo Logic. To collect this type of data, you need to add a source to a Hosted Collector in Sumo Logic and configure the Bitdefender GravityZone APIs.
Sumo Logic account
Bitdefender GravityZone (cloud) account
Hosted Collector set up on a machine in your Sumo Logic environment
To collect Bitdefender GravityZone data via its APIs, follow these steps:
Add source to a Hosted Collector
Log in to Sumo Logic.
Navigate to Manage Data > Collection.
Click Add Source next to a Hosted Collector.
Select HTTP Logs & Metrics.
Enter a Name for the source.
Configure Source details and advanced options for logs.
For more information, refer to the following Sumo Logic help article.
Click Save to add the source.
This source has a unique URL. Bitdefender GravityZone will send its data to this URL after you configure Event Push Service API.
Access source URL
Navigate to Manage Data > Collection.
Find the Hosted Collector by name and click Show URL.
Copy the HTTP source address.
Generate Bitdefender GravityZone API key
Log in to GravityZone Control Center.
Click the
user icon in the upper-right corner and select My Account.
Go to the API keys section and click Add.
Select the Event Push Service API checkbox.
You can enable other APIs to source more information from Bitdefender GravityZone.
Click Save.
To prevent the leaking of sensitive information, do not share or distribute your own generated API keys.
Copy the Access URL from the Control Center API section.
You need this key to configure Event Push Service API.
Configure Event Push Service API
Follow this procedure to set up the subscription for GravityZone Control Center events that you want to see in Sumo Logic.
Open a Mac or Linux terminal.
Run the echo command followed by the Bitdefender GravityZone API key with a colon (":")
For Linux terminal:
> echo –n 'Ge9HCYqdU7jIDR90wN0eE1zbB5Snc5HN:' | base64 –w 0
For Mac terminal:
> echo –n 'Ge9HCYqdU7jIDR90wN0eE1zbB5Snc5HN:' | base64 –b 0
This encodes the API key in a base64 string.
Return value example:
You will use this encoded string as a token for POST authorization.
Sumo Logic does not currently support authentication via the authentication header used in
method. The header is still needed for the event push forwarding mechanism to work but the header itself can contain any random string as the Sumo Logic https collector will ignore it.Run the following curl commands and edit the bolded settings:
curl -k -X POST \ \ -H 'authorization: Basic R2U5SENZcWRVN2pJRFI5QndOMGVFMXpiQjVTbmNISE46' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"params": {"status": 1,"serviceType": "jsonRPC","serviceSettings": {"url": "SumoLogic URL","requireValidSslCertificate": false, "authorization":"auth header value"},"subscribeToEventTypes": {"modules": true,"sva": true,"registration": true,"supa-update-status": true,"av": true,"aph": true,"fw": true,"avc": true,"uc": true,"dp": true,"hd": true,"sva-load": true,"task-status": true,"exchange-malware": true,"network-sandboxing": true,"adcloud": true,"exchange-user-credentials": true}},"jsonrpc": "2.0","method": "setPushEventSettings","id": "1"}'
Return value example:
GravityZone starts sending events to Sumo Logic after the Event Push Service settings are reloaded. This happens every 10 minutes.
This table indicates the event types that GravityZone can send to Sumo Logic.
Event type identifier
Product Modules event
Security Server Status event
Product Registration event
Outdated Update Server event (where the Update Server is a Relay)
Antimalware event
Antiphishing event
Firewall event
ATC/IDS event
User Control event
Data Protection event
HyperDetect event
Overloaded Security Server event
Task Status event
Exchange Malware Detection event
Sandbox Analyzer Detection
Active Directory Integration Issue
Exchange User Credentials
To start sending events immediately, run the following command and edit the emphasized settings:
curl -k -X POST \ \ -H 'authorization: Basic R2U5SENZcWRVN2pJRFI5QndOMGVFMXpiQjVTbmNISE46' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"params": {}, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getPushEventSettings", "id": "2"}'
To test the integration, run the following command and edit the emphasized settings:
curl -k -X POST \ \ -H 'authorization: Basic R2U5SENZcWRVN2pJRFI5QndOMGVFMXpiQjVTbmNISE46' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{"params": {"eventType": "av"}, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sendTestPushEvent", "id": "3"}'
You can now see Bitdefender GravityZone data in Manage Data > Collection.
For details about Push Events Service, refer to the GravityZone Cloud API Documentation guide, the chapter "Push".