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Integrate with your Marketplace via APIs

This section helps Partners or Distributors to integrate in their Marketplace.

Create a company

To get started, you need to use the createCompany method from Companies API to create a company,

To create a company include the following parameters in your request:







The company type

Set the value to:

  • 0 to create a Partner account.

  • 1 to create a Customer account.



An object containing the license details

Set the value of the type attribute to one of these values:

  • 3 (monthly subscription).

  • 4 (monthly license trial).

  • 5 (monthly subscription trial).



The company name.

Must be unique.



Your company ID.

Must not be confused with the company hash.



The type of the product that the company will use.

Possible values:

  • 0 for Endpoint Security.

  • 3 for Bitdefender EDR. The default value is 0.


You can use this parameter only with the following types of licensing:

  • 3 for monthly subscription.

  • 5 for monthly subscription trial.


Array of integers

The type of products the company can resell to their clients.

Possible values of the array elements:

  • 0 for Endpoint Security.

  • 3 for Bitdefender EDR.

Default value: the same value assigned to assignedProductType.


If set, it must contain, at least the value of the assignedProductType.


You can use this parameter only with the following types of licensing: 3 for monthly subscription, 5 for monthly subscription trial.



The type of the protection model that the company will use.

Possible values:

  • aLaCarte

  • mspSecure

  • mspSecurePlus

  • mspSecureExtra

Default value: depends on the protection models made available by the partner company.


You can only use this parameter if all the following conditions are met:

  • type = 3 (monthly subscription)

  • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security)


The value assigned to this parameter will automatically assign one or more values to the additionalProtectionModels array.


Default value for additionalProtectionModels








mspSecure,mspSecurePlus, mspSecureExtra


Array of strings

This parameter allows the Partner company being created to assign additional protection models to their clients apart from the ones provided by the assignedProtectionModel object.

Possible values:

  • aLaCarte

  • mspSecure

  • mspSecurePlus

  • mspSecureExtra

Default value: depends on the value assigned to the assignedProtectionModel field.


You can only use this parameter if one the following conditions are met:

  • assignedProductType = 3 (Bitdefender EDR), additionalProductType must include 0 (Endpoint Security), and type = 3 (monthly subscription).

  • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security), type = 3 (monthly security), and assignedProtectionModel is included in the request.



The email for the new user account to be linked to the new company.

If the parameter canBeManagedByAbove is set to false, the accountEmail parameter must be included.



The full name of the new user account to be linked to the new company.

This parameter is required when canBeManagedByAbove is set to false.



Contains information regarding the company's designated contact person.

The object contains the following fields:

  • fullName - the person's first and last name.

  • email - their business email address.


    This field is mandatory when the contactPerson parameter is included in the request.

  • phoneNumber, their business phone number.

  • companyRole, their position in the company.

You can further customize your request by using the optional parameters described in the createCompany article.

Return value: This method returns a string with the ID of the newly created company. You can use this string for other workflows.

For more information about this method, refer to createCompany.

Return example:

    "result": "5493dcd2b1a43df00b7b23c6"

Assign a monthly subscription to a company

You can use the setMonthlySubscription method this method to:

  • Switch a company from a trial license to a monthly subscription.

  • Enable or disable add-ons for a company you manage that has a monthly subscription.

  • Change the protection model a company is using or is allowed to distribute.

  • Change a company's licensing model from yearly to monthly subscription.

Set the following parameters in any sequence:








True for allowing the company to use the Security for Exchange service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Full Disk Encryption service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Security for Virtualized Environments service, False otherwise. Default value is False.


This parameter can not be used if any of the manageRemoteEnginesScanning and manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.




True for allowing the company to use the HyperDetect service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Sandbox Analyzer service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Patch Management service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) service, False otherwise. Default value is False. EDR requires Sandbox Analyzer and HyperDetect to be enabled. Any change of this parameter's value will automatically set the parameters manageSandboxAnalyzer and manageHyperDetect with the same value. Omitting passing a value will not affect the values set for these two parameters.




True for allowing the company to use the Email Security service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Mobile Security service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




True for allowing the company to use the Container Protection service, False otherwise. Default value is False.


This setting can only be set to true if assignedProtectionModel has the aLaCarte value assigned.


This parameter can not be used if any of the manageContainerProtection and manageContainerProtectionResell settings under the ownUse and resell object parameters exist.




An object containing service settings for the company.

This parameter makes sense only when creating a company with license of type 3. If omitted, the service will be unavailable.

  • mdrServiceOwnUse, an integer representing which MDR Service type is enabled for the company's own use. Possible values: 0 for Disabled, 1 for Foundations. Enabling this also enables MDR service reselling if the company type is Partner. Enabling this option will also enable EDR. If omitted, the service will be unavailable.

  • mdrServiceResell, a boolean specifying whether the company is allowed to resell MDR services to the companies it creates. If omitted, reselling will be unavailable. This makes sense only for partner companies.




The product type assigned to the target company. Possible values:

  • 0, for Endpoint Security

  • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

The default value is 0.




This parameter applies only to Partner companies. It is an array of integers representing the product types that the Partner can assign to its clients. Possible integer values:

  • 0, for Endpoint Security

  • 3, for Bitdefender EDR

If you set this parameter, the array must contain at least the value of assignedProductType and you must also set the assignedProductType. If not set, the default value is the value of assignedProductType.




assignedProtectionModel, a string representing the type of the protection model that the company will use.

Possible values:

  • aLaCarte

  • mspSecure

  • mspSecurePlus

  • mspSecureExtra

Default value: depends on the protection models made available by the partner company.

You can only use this parameter if all the following conditions are met:

  • type = 3 (monthly subscription)

  • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security)


The value assigned to this parameter will automatically assign one or more values to the additionalProtectionModels array.


Default value for additionalProtectionModels








mspSecure,mspSecurePlus, mspSecureExtra




An array of strings representing types of protection models. This parameter allows a Partner company to assign additional protection models to their clients apart from the ones provided by the assignedProtectionModel object.

Possible values:

  • aLaCarte

  • mspSecure

  • mspSecurePlus

  • mspSecureExtra

Default value: depends on the value assigned to the assignedProtectionModel field.

You can only use this parameter if one the following conditions are met:

  • assignedProductType = 3 (Bitdefender EDR), additionalProductType must include 0 (Endpoint Security), and type = 3 (monthly subscription).

  • assignedProductType = 0 (Endpoint Security), type = 3 (monthly security), and assignedProtectionModel is included in the request.




True for allowing the company to use the Integrity Monitoring service, False otherwise. Default value is False.




The number of days the events will be stored for. It is only returned if manageIntegrityMonitoring is true. Possible values: 0 (7 days retention), 1 (90 days retention), 2 (180 days retention), 3 (365 days retention). The default value is 0 (7 days retention).




An object containing activation settings for the company's services and add-ons. This parameter makes sense only when creating a company with license of type 3 or 5 (monthly inherited subscription).

  • manageXDRIdentityProviders, gives access to Sensors Management integration for Azure AD and Active Directory. Possible values: true or false.

  • manageXDRProductivityApps, gives access to Sensors Management integration for Office 365, Google Workspace and Microsoft Intune. Possible values: true or false.

  • manageXDRNetwork, gives access to Sensors Management integration for Network Sensor. Possible values: true or false.

  • manageXDRCloudWorkloads, gives access to Sensors Management integration for AWS and Azure Cloud. Possible values: true or false.


    To assign the true value to any of the parameters above, the manageEventCorrelator parameter or the manageEventCorrelator setting under the ownuse parameter needs to be set to true.


    Assigning true to any of the manageXDRIdentityProviders, manageXDRProductivityApps, manageXDRNetwork or manageXDRCloudWorkloads settings will activate XDR. To deactivate XDR, set all of them to false.

  • manageRemoteEnginesScanning, optional, activates the Security for Virtualized Environments service for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageRemoteEnginesScanning parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageContainerProtection, optional. activates the Container Protection service for your company. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.


    This setting can only be set to true if assignedProtectionModel has the aLaCarte value assigned.


    This setting can not be used if the manageContainerProtection parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageEventCorrelator, a boolean specifying whether the company can use Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) or not. The default value is false. Setting this parameter to true will automatically set the manageSandboxAnalyzer and manageHyperDetect settings under the ownuse parameter to true.


    This setting can not be used if the manageEventCorrelator parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageSandboxAnalyzer, a boolean specifying whether the company can use Sandbox Analyzer or not. The default value is false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageSandboxAnalyzer parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageHyperDetect, a boolean specifying whether the company can use HyperDetect or not. The default value is false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageHyperDetect parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.




An object containing your company's reselling settings for services and add-ons. This parameter makes sense only when creating a company with license of type 3 or 5 (monthly inherited subscription).

  • manageXDRResell - allows selling the eXtended Detection and Response service to your customers. Possible values: true or false.


    If true, the manageXDRIdentityProviders, manageXDRProductivityApps, manageXDRNetwork and manageXDRCloudWorkloads will automatically be set as true for your managed companies.

  • manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell, optional, allows selling the Security for Virtualized Environments service to your customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageRemoteEnginesScanning parameter outside of the resell object is present.

  • manageContainerProtectionResell, optional, allows selling the Container Protection service to your customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.


    This setting can only be set to true if the additionalProtectionModels parameter has the aLaCarte value assigned.


    This setting can not be used if the manageContainerProtection parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageEventCorrelatorResell, optional, allows selling Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) to your customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false. Setting this setting to true will automatically set the manageSandboxAnalyzerResell and manageHyperDetectResell settings under the resell parameter to true.


    This setting can not be used if the manageEventCorrelator parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageSandboxAnalyzerResell, optional, allows selling Sandbox Analyzer to your customers. Possible values: true or false. Default value: false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageSandboxAnalyzer parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

  • manageHyperDetectResell, optional, allows selling HyperDetect to your customers. The default value is false.


    This setting can not be used if the manageHyperDetect parameter outside of the ownUse object is present.

Request example:

    "params": {
        "companyId": "64be4c5cb904ea72f3001049",
        "reservedSlots": 120,
        "removeReservedSlots": false,
        "endSubscription": "2029-04-14",
        "autoRenewPeriod": 12,
        "manageExchange": false,
        "manageEncryption": false,
        "managePatchManagement": false,
        "ownUse": {
            "manageXDRIdentityProviders": false,
            "manageXDRProductivityApps": false,
            "manageXDRNetwork": false,
            "manageXDRCloudWorkloads": false,
            "manageRemoteEnginesScanning": false,
            "manageContainerProtection": false,
            "manageHyperDetect": true,
            "manageSandboxAnalyzer": true,
            "manageEventCorrelator": true
        "resell": {
            "manageXDRResell": true,
            "manageRemoteEnginesScanningResell": true,
            "manageContainerProtectionResell": true,
            "manageHyperDetectResell": true,
            "manageSandboxAnalyzerResell": true,
            "manageEventCorrelatorResell": true
        "manageEmailSecurity": false,
        "manageIntegrityMonitoring": true,
        "imDataRetention": 2,
        "licensedServices": {
            "mdrServiceOwnUse": 1,
            "mdrServiceResell": true
        "minimumUsage": {
            "endpointMonthlyUsage": 120
        "assignedProductType": 0,
        "additionalProductTypes": [
        "assignedProtectionModel": "mspSecure",
        "additionalProtectionModels": [
        "setNewProtectionModelForClients": "aLaCarte"
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "setMonthlySubscription",
    "id": "d4d50719-3215-455a-a329-086fe77f6d72"

Return value: This method does not return any value.

For more information about this method, refer to createCompany.

Return example:

The MSP receives a welcoming email from with a link to the and its provisioned credentials. We recommend MSPs to change the password upon the first login.


To invoice based on usage without setting a hard limit count for MSP license consumption, do not specify the reservedSlots parameter.

Check the usage at the end of the month

If you do not have any add-ons enabled, you can pull the monthly usage directly from through the getMonthlyUsage method, by specifying the targetMonth and companyID parameters.

To check the usage at the end of the month, set the following parameters in any sequence:






The ID of the company. The default value is the ID of the company linked to the user who generated the API key.



The month for which the usage is returned. It should have the following format: mm/yyyy. The default value is the current month.

Request example:

       "params": {
           "targetMonth": "03/2015",
           "companyId": "55115935b1a43dcc4a7b23c6"
       },       "jsonrpc": "2.0",
       "method": "getMonthlyUsage", 
       "id": "5087eab8-b74f-4a3e-85b3-4271e85890d4"

Return value:

This method returns an Object containing the number of license seats used during the specified month, for each acquired service, or 0 if the queried company does not have a monthly license:

  • endpointMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for all endpoints scanned with local engines.

  • aLaCarteMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the A-la-carte protection model.

  • mspSecureMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure protection model.

  • mspSecurePlusMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure Plus protection model.

  • mspSecureExtraMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for endpoints scanned with local engines that belong to companies that use the Secure Extra protection model.

  • emailSecurityMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Email Security mailboxes.

  • mobileSecurityMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Mobile Security devices.

  • exchangeMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for Exchange mailboxes.

  • encryptionMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the encryption module.

  • atsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the sandboxAnalyzer and hyperDetect modules.

  • edrMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the EDR module.

  • mdrFoundationsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for MDR Foundationsservice.

  • patchManagementMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for the patch management module.

  • containerProtectionMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for container protection module.

  • integrityMonitoringUsage - the total number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring.

  • integrityMonitoring90DaysUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 90 days event retention.

  • integrityMonitoring180DaysUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 180 days event retention.

  • integrityMonitoring1YearUsage - the number of endpoints that make use of Integrity Monitoring with 1 year event retention.

  • xdrIdentitySensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Azure AD and Active Directory integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrProductivitySensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Office 365 integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrNetworkSensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of Network Sensor integration in Sensors Management.

  • xdrCloudSensorsMonthlyUsage, the monthly usage of AWS integration in Sensors Management.

  • sveVsMonthlyUsage - the monthly usage for virtual servers scanned with Security Server.

  • sveVdiMonthlyUsage - the monthly service usage (in hours) for virtual desktops scanned with Security Server.

  • minimumUsage - An Object containing types of licenses and the minimum number of slots which the company commits through legal agreement to use on a monthly basis:

    • endpointMonthlyUsage, the minimum number of endpoints that the client agreed to use from the main license.

Return example:

  "result": {
    "endpointMonthlyUsage": 4,
    "encryptionMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "emailSecurityMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mobileSecurityMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "exchangeMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "atsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "edrMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mdrFoundationsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "patchManagementMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoringUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring90DaysUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring180DaysUsage": 0,
    "integrityMonitoring1YearUsage": 0,
    "sveVsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "sveVdiMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "containerProtectionMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrIdentitySensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrProductivitySensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrNetworkSensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "xdrCloudSensorsMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "aLaCarteMonthlyUsage": 1,
    "mspSecureMonthlyUsage": 1,
    "mspSecurePlusMonthlyUsage": 0,
    "mspSecureExtraMonthlyUsage": 2
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "5986",
  "error": null

For more information about this method, refer to getMonthlyUsage.

For usage calculators and reports about add-ons enabled for your MSP, refer to this Calculate the endpoint usage with the Monthly License Usage report.

Obtain a company’s ID

Use the findCompaniesByName method from Companies API to obtain a company ID, its usage or the company details. For more information about this method, refer to findCompaniesByName.

Retrieve a company's licensing information

Use the getLicenseInfo method from Licensing API to retrieve license information for a company. For more information about this method, refer to getLicenseInfo.

Suspend MSP account in case of contract breach

You are always in control and able to act when a contractual agreement breach occurs.

The suspendCompany method from the Companies API allows you to suspend active companies with unpaid bills or other contract infringements.

Under these circumstances, you can suspend a company’s access to and deactivate associated endpoints. You can choose to apply this recursively to all managed companies by the MSP, to prevent the usage from accumulating in a given month. For more information about this method, refer to suspendCompany.

To activate suspended companies, refer to activateCompany.