Entities and resources
Entities and resources have their own icons.
The lists below show the types of entities and resources you might see in incidents' Overview or Graph tabs.
The types of data displayed may vary based on available sensors and features.
- endpoint
- server
- mobile device
- printer
- AWS organization ID
- Azure organization ID
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP) organization ID
- O365 organization ID
- Azure AD organization ID
- generic user, data shows external email address, IP address, or service
- AWS user
- AWS end user computing
- AWS container
- AWS database
- AWS service
- AWS storage
- AWS virtual server
- GCP user
- GCP end user computing
- GCP container
- GCP database
- GCP service
- GCP storage
- GCP virtual server
- AD user
- Azure AD user
- Azure end user computing
- Azure container
- Azure database
- Azure service
- Azure storage
- Azure virtual server
- IP, domain, DNS, or MAC address
- cloud storage
- TOR node
- generic
- email
- email subject
- email attachment
- file
- role
- application
- key vault
- policy
- sharing link, the direct download link of the file
- flow
- SSH key
- launch template
- automation account
- automation account hook
- certificate authority
- bucket
- service principal
- user group