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General licensing information for MSP partners

When using a MSP license model, the license is purchased by a Partner company from Distributor company, which shares it with other companies. Distributors sell directly to Partners.

Partners are the ones who enable license entitlements (seats and technologies) to Customer companies, and also provide security installation, configuration, management, and monitoring services.

Partners have multiple capabilities, including:

  • Manage and monitor the security for directly managed companies.


    This capability is only available for the managed companies that have the The company's Partner can assist with the security management option enabled.

  • Manage the user accounts associated to their own company.

  • Manage the user accounts associated to managed Customer companies.

  • Configure the available products, services or features for all managed Customer companies.

  • Change their own Partner/Distributor.

When enabling a license for a Customer company, you can customize the features and products that you provide them with:

  • The product type - This option allows you to select the core product you are providing to the company. The core product provides access to a specific bundle of features that offer basic protection for endpoints.

    The following options are available, depending on your distributor:

    • Endpoint Security

    • EDR Standalone

  • The protection model - This option provides further customization to the Endpoint Security core bundle, allowing you to select between multiple versions of the product, customized to meet specific security needs:

    • A la carte

    • Secure

    • Secure Plus

    • Secure Extra

  • Add-ons - You can use add-ons to further customize the features you provide to your managed companies. You can activate individual add-ons, each one providing access to one or more features.

  • Services - This option provides access to specific services. The following options are currently available:

    • MDR Foundations

For more information on available products, refer to Features by product.