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Troubleshoot Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools update errors

This section contains a list of errors that might be encountered during a Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools (Windows, Linux, and macOS) update.


If you've encountered an error that is not listed on this page, attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint, one from the associated Relay (if the Relay was used), and a brief description or steps to reproduce the issue to your support ticket.

Error -3

Error -3 occurs when Bitdefender Endpoint Security cannot download updates over the internet.

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Possible causes

The error occurs usually when the endpoint cannot download updates from due to internet restrictions in the network, such as firewalls, content filtering, proxies, etc.


Please check your gateway security solution logs for any blocked traffic to or


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 1002

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 1002 stands for "Could not resolve server" and it is received when the endpoint cannot resolve the hostname of the remote update server.

This is usually a DNS problem and you need to make sure that the endpoint can properly resolve the update server hostname.


  1. From the endpoint target machine, send a ping request to the update server hostname and verify what IP address it resolves:

    ping update_server_ip
    ping update_server_hostname
  2. If the IP address does not correspond with the one assigned to the update server, then you can try to send the following command to the endpoint machine to reset the DNS:

    ipconfig /flushdns

If the situation persists, you need to run the troubleshooting process on your DNS server and make sure that the update server name is resolved properly by the machines in the network. More specifically, verify the entries in the DNS server and make sure they exist and the hostname and IP are correct.

Until this is fixed, the only workaround is to change the update server format in the GravityZone policy, from hostname to IP address. For example


For a complete analysis, please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 1008

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 1008 is received when different unexpected HTTP errors are encountered.

Possible causes

  • A temporary issue is the update server.

  • The used proxy has issues.

  • A third-party firewall solution is blocking the update process.


  • If the update server or proxy has issues we recommend retrying the update process after a while.

  • In case a third-party firewall is interfering with the update, you need to access that network firewall and whitelist the address to which the endpoint tries to connect to.

    Specifically, whitelist the internet update server addresses:




Error 1011

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 1011 stands for I/O timeout and it is received when the endpoint fails to reach the designated update server as it times out.

Possible causes

  • The update server is offline

  • The update server port (7074) is closed.

  • The endpoint does not have access to the update server network location


As this is a connectivity issue, you need to run a number of checks to see exactly where the issue is:

  • Verify that the update server is up and running:

    • If the update server is a relay, check that epupdateserver.exe is running. If not, you can start it manually from Services.

    • If the update server is located on the GravityZone appliance or Linux Relay, you can try to restart the update server service with the following command:

      sudo service arrakis restart

  • Verify that you can ping the update server from the endpoint:

    ping update_server_ip

  • Verify that port 7074 is reachable from the endpoint:

    telnet update_server_ip 7074

  • Open the 7074 port, if closed on the update server.


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 1018

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 1018 stands for "HTTP/404 Status Code – Not Found" and it is received when the endpoint cannot download all the files from the update server as they are missing.

Possible causes

The endpoint receives a list of files to download from the update server, but it fails to download them because the files are missing.


The issue is caused by the local update server. To determine if the server is updating properly, please open an email ticket via the Contact Customer Care form.


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 1019

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

When encountering this error please wait for a few moments and then try to update the endpoint again. If the issue persists please contact Bitdefender Enterprise Support for more information.

Error 1105

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

This error is caused by an invalid certificate. Additionally, consider checking for any network filtering solutions that may interfere with the update process, and if the issue persists contact Bitdefender Enterprise Support. For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket.

Error 2002

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 2002 stands for "MD5 check failed" and it is received when the update files do not pass the MD5 checksum integrity check.

The downloaded files on the endpoint do not match the files present on the update server.

Possible causes

The most common cause of this error is that the files are altered/corrupted during the download process by a third-party firewall present in the network, or by a content filtering application acting as a proxy.


In this case, you need to whitelist the address to which the endpoint tries to connect to in your network firewall/content filtering application. Specifically, whitelist the internet update server addresses:





For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 2013

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Error 2013 stands for "File must not be downloaded and updated" and occurs when the files present on the endpoint are newer than the ones on the local update server.

Possible causes

This error is triggered when an endpoint downloads the virus signatures first from an up-to-date update server, and afterward uses a local update server with outdated signatures.


The issue is caused by the local update server. To determine if the server is updating properly, please open an email ticket via the Contact Customer Care form.


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Error 2019

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png

Error 2019 occurs when the endpoint was at first updated from another ring, and the update available on the current ring is older.


In the active policy settings, go to General > Update > Update Ring and switch to fast ring.

An endpoint that downloads a product update from a newer ring (fast ring) cannot downgrade to a ring that runs with older updates (slow ring).


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Errors 1003, 1004, and 1005

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

Errors description

  • 1003: Could not resolve proxy

  • 1004: Could not connect to proxy or server

  • 1005: Could not authenticate to proxy or server

Possible causes

  • The endpoint is not configured correctly to communicate over the internet through a proxy.

  • The endpoint cannot resolve the proxy due to a DNS issue.

  • There is no proxy configured in the Bitdefender policy.


At first, ping the proxy hostname to check if it is resolved correctly.

In the GravityZone policy, go to General > Settings > Proxy Configuration and configure the proxy server used in your network for outside communication.


For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Errors 100, 1022, and 2000

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png Linux_icon.png

These errors usually occur because of network restrictions. Please check for any content filtering solutions in the network and if the issue persists contact Bitdefender Enterprise Support. For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.

Errors 1009, 2003, 2004, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2018

Operating systems: Windows_icon.png macOS_icon.png

Please contact Bitdefender Enterprise Support for further troubleshooting. For a complete analysis please attach a support tool log from the affected endpoint and another from the associated relay/appliance to your ticket. To gather logs from a GravityZone appliance refer to this article.